Torpedo: Last one....

Just then, a beowolf emerges and pounces over me, but Blake makes quick job for it.

Blake: S-Stay back!

Me: Weiss! Right!

Weiss quickly turned at that direction and stabbed a Beowolf before it could attack her, killing it. Unknown to Ruby, I saw four Creeps running directly behind her, but I gunned them down with ease before they could reach her by using Shadow Clone and Metalize Power-ups. She turned to look at me and nodded as a thanks and kept slashing down more Grimm. After a few minutes of struggle, me and the others found ourselves in the middle of the collapsed courtyard.

Me: Can you still fight?

Tenka: I'm ready! Que! Torpedo! Return!!!!

I looked at Que and Torpedo as they turned into their guantlet form and attached themselves onto Tenka's arm.

Me: Here.

I grabbed Tenka's hand as I pulled him back onto his feet while getting ready to strike a Grimm down.

Me: You ready to role?

Tenka: Always been ready for anything!

Me: Heheh. Don't get cocky. Blake!! Support fire!

Blake nodded at me. Nodding back at her, I stood up and held up my weapon in my fighting stance with Tenka as the rest of the team did the same, whilst making a circle, who rotates my blade into its gun mode, and began aiming. 

Me: Whenever they're ready.....

Just as I said that, the King Taijitu unleashes a mighty roar, signalling the Grimm to attack. And with that, me, Yang, Ruby, Weiss, then rushed off into opposite directions, while Blake and Tenka, began firing down the horde of Grimm in the courtyard.

I activated my semblance by turning into a snow flurry and flew into an area where there is a pack of Beowolf. In my snow flurry form, my aura turned goldish orange in colour (Dragon Knight Hunter Z) as I created a whirlwind out of it. After that, I came hurtling down from the sky. I exploded in my snow form as I collided against the ground, creating a shockwave that knocked the Grimm away as I reverted back to my normal form. An Ursa came bounding towards me, but I just threw my Parablagun in axe mode, embedding it in its skull with enough force, killing it.

Me: So, this is the brute power of Dragon Knight Hunter Z? NICE!!

I dashed into my snow form towards it, took out my weapon from its head, then moved on to another. Ruby embeds her scythe into the ground and uses it as support to kick away at the Grimm around her. Yang uses a Creep as a springboard to jump high into the air and bombard the Grimm with her gauntlets until she is brought down by three small Nevermores, crashing her down to the ground. Blake and Tenka dodges a swipe from a Beowolf and kills it by stabbing and shooting it in the head, then they both proceeds to shoot the Creeps that are charging at then, with her weapon in pistol mode and Tenka with his Double wield of his Tri-Sector Sparrows. Weiss slashes three Beowolves, before summoning a glyph to conjure up an ice blade and uses to it kill the other approaching Grimm.

RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now