Volume 2: No Brakes

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Me: (Growls) Out of the way, fools!

Tenka: Shadow, wait!

I turned my duplicate weapon into gun mode while my original remained as an axe, and threw Parablagun, axe mode at them, which exploded upon impact, incapacitating at least five of them while catching my weapon after it got flunged back upon impact of the explosion. After reclaiming my axe after it regen. its blade from the explosion, I kept running, while gathering a significant amount of my Aura in it, resulting in creating a small swirl of ice and snow around my tightly clenched fist. Just as they opened fire at me, I swiftly transfigured my body into it's snow form, flying up above their heads, before reverting back and slammed my fist with my duplicate weapon down at the center of the group, creating a large icy shockwave, which knocked them all out and clear the path. I then continued running as I turn my duplicate gun into axe form, and sliced my way though the crowd recklessly, much to the others worry.

Yang: Shadow! What are you doing?!

Oobleck: Charging the enemy head on isn't wise!

I halted my tracks and looked back to see that the rest of the team, Oobleck and Tenka had gone into cover, much to my confusion before I held up a fierce expression.

Me: Watch me.

I looked back in front of me only to be confronted with a battalion of White Fang Soldiers aiming their guns at me. Only then I fully realized why the team was on the cover.

Me: Oh no....

White Fang Member: Fire!

Tenka's POV:

Doing as they were ordered, the all White Fang soldiers began firing at Shadow. I watched him as he raised his hands up to create a large dome of ice around himself as a futile last resort to defend himself. Meanwhile, Oobleck and the others are still hiding for cover with me.

Tenka: We can't just leave Shadow there!

Weiss: We tried to warn him. Now, he's going to pay for it.

Oobleck: Now, now, Ms. Schnee. Now's not the time to--

Just as Dr Oobleck was about to finish, his words were cutoff short when the ice dome that Shadow created suddenly imploded, creating a thick mist at the force. When the mist died down, the team saw me crouching down and strangely, standing up as well. When the mist completely died down, that was when they realized that there was two of me. One red, crouching down and one blue, standing up, worrying and confusing the White Fang Members.

White Fang Member: Okay....(to the other members) FIRE!!!!!

Just as they were about to fire, the blue me raised my hands, causing a huge gravitational winter barrier to form.

Me (blue): Not so fast. (Closes eyes) Winter Graviton Smash.

Then, I created another barrier that caused all of the White Fang Members to be sucked into it. When my eyes opened, the barrier exploded in a flurry of snow, causing the White Fang members to scatter all directions.

Me (blue): Sum. , you're up. (Changing position so that I will be behind and the other me will be at the front)

Me (red): Thanks. So, leaving so soon?! I'M NOT FINISHED WITH YOU!!!! SUMMER NOVA HURRICANE!!!!! (Fist pumps the air, creating a huge hurricane made of flames)

The White Fang Members that were scattered got sucked back into the tornado of fire for a couple of minutes.

Me (red): Now who says people can't fly?! GARNET.... BUSTER!!!!

I then launched a fireball into the fire tornado, causing it to explode with the White Fang Members inisde it. Once that was done, I returned back to my normal one-self.
With the remaining White Fang Members who are still on the ground distracted by my attacks, the whole team rushed to my aide. Tenka tried to support me in getting up by slinging my arm around his neck, but I declined and stood up, almost wobbly, myself while getting up. It was only then I realized that they were staring at me in amazement.

RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose (BOOK 1)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu