Chapter 59- you don't make decisions for me

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Chapter 59- you don't make decisions for me

Weeks passed by with this treatment that the doctor decided to do. I have been undergoing intensive chemo and radiation so it would kill my cancer cells.

The doctor said that she has seen the results and the cancer cells have decreased rapidly and isn't growing back at a faster pace.

Today is my transplant apparently.

I lay on the gurney in my hospital room and look up at the ceiling. I'm just happy that the treatment is working, even though it's making me weaker by the minute.

Suddenly my throat feels dry and I reach out for my glass of water but it's empty.

I groan and sit up in my bed, ready to march outside to get some water. Everyone told me to press the button so they all be notified but I don't want to bother them.

I slowly get up and start walking to the door when my reflection in the mirror stops me. I turn to look into the mirror and see a pale, almost hairless, very thin and weak girl.

When did I turn into this? I groan.

I take the brush to comb my hair because they seem out of place. Just as I comb it, a lot of the hair falls off and sticks to the brush.

My breath hitches in my throat. I know this was expected but I'm not ready to be bald again. I take the hair out of the brush and look at them in disbelief.

I quickly shuffle my hair around so nobody could see the spot which had no hair. Placing the brush back to its place, I slowly walk outside the room.

I look left and right, but don't see anyone there. They all must be doing something important. Thank god I didn't bother them.

I slowly walk towards the water dispenser and pick up a styrofoam cup on the side.

After drinking the water, I decide to go back to my room. I kept looking at the ground while taking baby steps towards my room.

Out of nowhere, someone comes crashing into me. As I'm about to fall, his arms snake around my waist and I hold onto his collar with my eyes closed.

He slowly pulls me back up and I'm pressed against his hard and muscular chest. "Venus?" A confused voice asks and my eyes shoot up to notice the person.

I'm shocked. As shocked as I am, he is also shocked to see me there. "What are you doing here?" He asks me and I let go of his collar but he stills holds onto my waist, as the habit he always had.

"Just- just walking," I reply back, not knowing what else to say.

He gives me a look, a are-you-stupid look. "Walking?" His brows furrow in question. "You walked from your house to the hospital?"

I hesitate before nodding. "Y-y-yeah," I reply back.

He still doesn't seem convinced. "In hospital clothes?" He asks.

"Well, I- I- my mom works here so I was uh- I was visiting her...?" I reply back in question and something twitches near his mouth.

"Right," he says, not too convinced with this situation.

"Enough about me, what are you doing here?" I ask him and he just looks around.

"I'm lost," he nervously chuckles. "I'm suppose to be on the fifth floor but the elevator took me here."

"Oh," I breath out.

"What floor is this?" He asks and my breath gets caught in my chest.

How am I suppose to tell him that this is the cancer floor? He will ask so many questions if he knew. Oh god.

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