Chapter 3: Propose Day

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Next morning, Sanyukta woke up. She found something missing. She mentally decided to search once she wakes Adhir for school. Adhir rubbed his eyes with palm, asking Sanyukta to let him sleep more.

'Just get up right away. Or else you'll get late' Sanyukta snatched the blanket. Ruffling his hair, Adhir dreamily stepped into bathroom and grabbed toothbrush. Sanyukta spread an inch of toothpaste on his toothbrush followed a kiss on his cheeks. 'Good morning, maa' Adhir began brushing his cheeks. 'Good morning baby' Sanyukta greeted him back.

Sanyukta organised Adhir's room in no time. Sanyukta stepped in kitchen without bathing. She scrambled eggs for Adhir's tiffin. She placed few slices of apples and fist full of grapes in side section of his tiffin. Sanyukta completely forgot about what she was searching.

'Mumma, I can't find my drawing book. Could you please help me?' Adhir called Sanyukta for help. His words reminded Sanyukta about a thing she was searching earlier. She walked into Adhir's room, handed him his tiffin box and bottle. While Adhir put tiffin box in front pouch of bag and water bottle in side section, Sanyukta took out drawing book which squeezed between clothes in his closet.

Adhir put his bag on the chair next to him. Sanyukta placed a bowl full of cornflakes in front of him. Adhir took spoon from the stand and ate breakfast carefully, not spoiling his uniform. After few minutes of gobbling some, Adhir mentioned 'Mom, I'll be late today. After school, I'll go to Shlok's place. I'll be back before 6 in evening' Sanyukta nodded in an affirmation.

Finishing the breakfast, Adhir took his bags over shoulders and left the home to catch bus. 'Bye Adhir' Sanyukta's voice reached Adhir who walked downstairs leaving main door open. 'Love you maa' Adhir shouted back. 'Adhir, come fast. My dad is waiting for you in car' Shlok called for Adhir who pulled down windows of his car. 'Coming buddy' Adhir hurried downstairs. Taking seat besides Shlok who sat back seat of car, they left for school.

Sanyukta quickly winded up kitchen. Grabbing her clothes, Sanyukta dashed into restroom for bathe. Her phone buzzed twice while she was bathing. Stepping out of the restroom, Sanyukta wore a solid yellow colored kurti complemented with plain red legging. She picked her phone and noticed two missed calls from her clinic. She called back.

'Ma'am. Mr. D'costa called up stating his wife is facing labor pain. They are on their way to our clinic. Ma'am, please reach here at earliest' Saumya, Sanyukta's assistant informed her. Sanyukta hurriedly put all required stuffs in handbag. Locking the apartment, Sanyukta left for the clinic. Sanyukta got busy in emergency call by Mr. D'costa followed by patients. She almost forgot about the thing she was searching in morning.

Around 5 in evening, Adhir took keys from Supriya auntie, Sanyukta's neighbor. Unlatching the door, Adhir entered the home and carefully locked the door. Adhir threw his socks and shoes in random directions when he realized his mommy isn't at home. Adhir danced randomly to express his joy.

Adhir opened the refrigerator and took out two eggs out of box. He searched for a large bowl which found in dishwasher. Adhir climbed up the platform and reached for the container filled with all purpose flour placed on second shelf. He successfully grabbed the container with utmost care. Adhir first placed container on the platform and got off the platform later.

Adhir opened the refrigerator again to take out Nutella jar and placed besides large bowl. He broke egg at the edge of the bowl and poured egg yolk and egg white in bowl. Adhir thrashed egg shell in dustbin. He looked around for sieve to strain the flour. He found one in lower right corner closet underneath platform. To his luck, Adhir got whisker which was placed besides sieve.

Adhir wasn't able to strain the flour properly using sieve. So, he grabbed all his stuff and settled on the floor of the kitchen. Straining off the flour, Adhir emptied the whole jar of Nutella in bowl. Adhir whisked and whisked and whisked the mixture when his hand slipped off the whisker. The mixture splashed off, messing up outer corner of his left eye. Adhir reflexed to squeeze his eyes. The mixture traced an inch of his left temple.

'Shit' Adhir found whisker lying around the corner, making the floor dirty. Some of it too got spilled on the floor area besides bowl. Adhir poured the mixture in Sanyukta's coffee mug and placed in microwave, setting timer to 2 minutes.

Leaving the kitchen as it is, Adhir ran into his room. Pulling out the drawer, Adhir took out Sanyukta's engagement ring which he smartly took off her ring finger yesterday night. Adhir gave a smirk which was one of the characteristic of Randhir. 


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