thirty eight

605 30 0

Jimin POV

I ran out to the ambulance as they took Yoongi. I hated seeing this sight, but unfortunately, this isn't the first time I had to witness this. I sat in the back with Yoongi, holding onto his hand, not planning on letting go. The drive was quick but bumpy. With every hole we went through, I felt another tear fall down my face onto Yoongi's cold, veiny hands. I traced small circles on his hand, trying to comfort myself.

When we arrived at the hospital, I was taken to the waiting room again. As I sat down, I was called by a nurse. "Someone here for Min Yoongi?" she yelled. I stood up and ran to her. "Y-Yes! That's me! Is he okay?" I asked, worriedly. "Oh, he is actually going back right now. We are not sure how it is going to work out. I'm sorry sir, but another thing. This is like the 3rd time either you or him are in the hospital." she pointed out. I blushed. "Why is that?" she asked. "Depression, family, life, and stuff." I laughed nervously. She put a cold hand on my shoulder. "I'm sorry about Yoongi. I wish you two luck." she said soothingly and smiled softly. I nodded.

I waited.

I waited some more.

I waited even more.

I continued waiting for about 10 hours. I had to quickly buy a phone charger, but I have been freaking out otherwise. The nurse from before brought me some food. I took a few bites, but lost my appetite quickly. I waited for another 45 minutes before a doctor walked out. He looked tired due to the bags under his eyes and his yawn.

"Someone here for Min Yoongi?" he asked. I ran to him. "Yes?" I panted. "I'm sorry to say this, but he isn't doing well. You can stay here, but it will be boring and tiring, or you can go home and we can call you when you can see him. If you choose the latter, just make sure you see that nurse at the desk before you leave." He explained. I felt tears welling up in my already red eyes.

"I'll wait." I said in a weak voice. He nodded and walked back through the swinging doors, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I collapsed on the floor, crying. Once I gathered enough strength, I stood up and went back to my chair.


Authors Note

I know it's been a while. I've been super stressed, but also I've been pretty good. I have a new English teacher and she gives lots of work, so I've mainly been doing that, also we are getting ready for end of the year tests, soooo. But... TWO MORE CHAPTERS!

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