Amanda - I don't even know if im going at all 

Emma - Why not? 

Amanda - I'm not into that 

Emma - Oh, yes you are! Last week Maria heard you talking to Jo about it! 

Amanda - Yeah I was talking about it and how I cant go 

Emma - You can go, you just don't want to 

Amanda - Exactly. 

Emma - BUT WHY?? It'll be fun!! 

Amanda - I highly doubt that 

Emma - Don't be such a downer 

Amanda - Fine. You find me a date and I'll find you one. Deal? 

Emma - Deal. Off to search the yearbook! 

Amanda - The yearbook? Why? 

Emma - To find a guy, silly! Bye!

 8:19 pm 

Sandra - Help me 

Amanda - What's up? 

Sandra - It's Michael. He wants to meet my family, and for me to meet his. 

Amanda - That's awesome! Why do you need help? 

Sandra - I'm nervous! What if his parents don't like me? 

Amanda - Sandra, you and me both know it's physically impossible for anyone to dislike you. 

Sandra - No, there are lots of people who don't like me 

Amanda - Name 5 

Sandra - I could name 50. But that's beside the point. What am I going to do? 

Amanda - When does Mike want to meet your parents? 

Sandra - He said maybe this weekend 

Amanda - You can't. 

Sandra - Yeah I know. But I don't know what to tell him. 

Amanda - I mean, I guess you could, but I will be there 

Sandra - Would you mind? 

Amanda - No, it's your house. You do what you want. :) 

Sandra - I'm just nervous. 

Amanda - Don't be. You will be fine. You parents will LOVE him! He's really great. 

Sandra - You think so? 

Amanda - Of course. You two are a match made in heaven. He's the bread to your butter. He's the rock to your roll. He's the magic to your wand. 

Sandra - HAHAHA where did you come up with those?? 

Amanda - All it takes is a little imagination 

Sandra - I'm still nervous. 

Amanda - I don't know what to tell you, babe. 

Sandra - Ugh, its just that I really love him, and what if meeting his parents, or him meeting mine changes the way we feel about each other? 

Amanda - If you two are really in love, nothing will change the way you feel about each other.  

Sandra - We are 

Amanda - You are what? 

Sandra - In love 

Amanda - I know you are. And I am so happy for you 

Sandra - When are you ever gonna find someone? 

Amanda - Whenever someone likes me 

Sandra - Amanda, don't wait around! Go out there and find a man! 

Amanda - Nothing I do will make any guy fall in love with me 

Sandra - How do you know? 

Amanda - Because I know guys 

Sandra - What about Chris? 

Amanda - What about him? 

Sandra - He's kinda cute 

Amanda - Yeah for a 12 year old boy 

Sandra - He doesn't look THAT young 

Amanda - Yes he does! He's got that little baby face 

Sandra - Haha no he doesn't 

Amanda - Look Sandra I appreciate you trying to find me someone, but I am perfectly content without a boyfriend. 

Sandra - You should try a dating website 

Amanda - LOL NO 

Sandra - Why not? 

Amanda - Some old man could start talking to me, claim that he's 17, and then find a way to kidnap me 

Amanda - I didn't mean kidnap.  

Sandra - It's okay 

Amanda - I really didn't 

Sandra - I know, its just to think of that same thing that Emma went through to happen to you scares me 

Amanda - Forget I said anything 

Sandra - Haha its okay 

Amanda - But like I was saying, I am capable of making it through graduation without a boyfriend. 

Sandra - What about Prom? 

Amanda - Shit 

Sandra - You aren't going by yourself, that's for sure 

Amanda - I wouldn't go if I was alone 

Sandra - Maybe I can find a guy to ask you 

Amanda - Don't start looking now. We still have like 3 months 

Sandra - Haha okay. Whatever you say! 

Amanda - hey I'm gonna go. My aunt wants me to run to the store and pick up some dessert for the fam 

Sandra - Okay, have fun. See you tomorrow! 

Amanda - Bye!

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