February 1, 2014

3 0 0

12:44 pm 

Sandra - Hey Mandy 

Amanda - Hey Sandy 

Sandra - So today, my mom texted me and said your aunt brought over some of your bedroom things 

Amanda - Oh, that cool. Now it's less to bring over on Saturday. 

Sandra - Yeah, anyways, I had one question 

Amanda - Uhh, sure? 


Amanda - What are you talking about? 

Sandra - My mom said my room is now FULL of papers, books, blankets, clothes, make-up, and other stuff. Amanda, why don't you ever throw anything away? 

Amanda - It's not that I don't throw anything away, its just everything I own has SOME sentimental value to me 

Sandra - I cannot live like this :) Throw some out 

Amanda - It's not that easy for me to let go of those things 

Sandra - Amanda, its old stuff. I'm pretty sure half the stuff occupying my room right now you didn't even know you had 

Amanda - So what? Just get rid of everything? 

Sandra - No, just the stuff that you don't need anymore 

Amanda - Will you help me? 

Sandra - Yeah, of course. I'll pick up some boxes on my way home and we'll sort through everything 

Amanda - I thought you and Mike were hanging out? 

Sandra - He's got basketball 

Amanda - Ah, nice 

Sandra - Catch up with you later? 

Amanda - Definitely. Bye!

4:20 pm 

Emma - Oh, gosh. I don't think I'll ever live this down 

Amanda - What, Adam?  

Emma - Yes, Adam! 

Amanda - You just need to forget. It's done 

Emma - It's just scary. What if things went too far or what if I hadn't pushed him off of me or what if 

Amanda - Emma! You are being paranoid. Stop. Stop with the what ifs. Just leave it alone 

Emma - You would be doing it if it happened to you... 

Amanda - Emma! 

Emma - Alright! Alright! I'm done! 

Amanda - good. Lets talk about something else 

Emma - Like? 

Amanda - Like who are you going to ask to the February Festival, or more so who is going to ask you!! 

Emma - I'm going to go with no one 

Amanda - Aw, don't think like that! 

Emma - It's the truth. No one is ever attracted to me 

Amanda - I bet I can find someone to ask you 

Emma - Well, if that happens it'll be a miracle 

Amanda - Oh, stop it 

Emma - What about you? 

Amanda - What about me? 

Emma - Who are you going with? 

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