December 9, 2013

6 0 0

7:20 pm 

Taylor - Hey 

Emma has logged on. 

Taylor - Emma? 

Amanda -I bet it's the person who kidnapped her! What do we do? 

Taylor - Stop talking! 

Emma had logged off. 

Emma-is-dead has logged on. 

Taylor - Who's that? 

Amanda -Some new account who hacked our account so we could friend them 

Taylor - me. I have an idea.

8:52 pm 

Amanda - Tell me your plan. Fast. 

Taylor - Emma-is-dead was stupid enough to put up a lot of information on their profile. It says it's a male, lives in Pennsylvania, and there's a number, but I don't know if it's real. 

Amanda - Call it! 

Taylor - I did, but there was no answer. I called the police, and they're tracking the number. 

Amanda - Call me when they get the place. Sandra and I will search for it.

11:38 pm 

Taylor - I can't call. My phone's dead. 

Amanda - Where is it?  

Taylor - 294 Longhill, Woodland Park, Pittsburgh, PA 

Amanda - That's the little cabin Sandra and I saw the other day. The screams were Emma's! 

Taylor - Go! Go! Go!

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