December 21, 2013

7 0 0

5:18 pm 

Amanda - I just got back! 

Taylor - From where? 

Amanda - Emma and Sandra Christmas shopping!  

Taylor - What'd you get them? 

Amanda - This limited edition pair of designer jeans for Sandra and a whole collection of New York style make-up for Emma 

Taylor - Aww! I'm so jealous!  

Amanda - What are you getting them? 

Taylor - Emma, I'm getting baby outfits. Sandra I'm getting a car. 

Amanda - What the?! A car? 

Taylor - No, silly. I just wanted to sound better than you. Haha 

Amanda - I'm punching you in my head right now. 

Taylor - hahaha 

Amanda - So what are you really gonna get them? 

Taylor - I dunno yet. 

Amanda - Ok well good luck with that.

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