January 22, 2014

3 0 0

1:39 pm 

Amanda - I need to talk to you 

Sandra - Is everything okay? 

Amanda - No, because my aunt and uncle are moving! 

Sandra - What?  

Amanda - Yeah, so that means I'll have to go back to Germany! 

Sandra - NO! You can't leave! 

Amanda - Well, that's why I wanted to talk to you. 

Sandra - Okay, what did you need? 

Amanda - I want to know if I can live with you. 

Sandra - Amanda! 

Amanda - Just until the summer when my parents get back! 

Sandra - I don't know... 

Amanda - I know this is hard, but please. It will be too difficult to switch schools again, and we're already halfway through the year 

Sandra - What did your parents say? 

Amanda - I haven't asked them yet... 

Sandra - You need to go call them right now because I'm not going to ask my parents when you don't even know if you can 

Amanda - Okay, but I'll be back in 10 minutes!

1:53 pm 

Amanda - I called them 

Sandra - What did they say? 

Amanda - At first, they weren't going to give in, but then I told them that I MIGHT stay with you. They said they would have to call your parents 

Sandra - They're not home right now 

Amanda - They aren't gonna call until later 

Sandra - Look, Amanda, I know you really want me to jump in and say YES! but it's up to my parents. I would love love love for you to come stay with me, but it's not my decision. 

Amanda - I know 

Sandra - So I asked them 

Amanda - And??? 

Sandra - they said that as long as you follow their rules, you can stay :) 

Amanda - For real?? OMG THANK YOU!!!!!! 

Sandra - Are your parents still gonna call, because they just pulled into the driveway 

Amanda - Yeah I'll tell them to call 

Sandra - Okay 

Amanda - Thank you, Sandra! 

Sandra - You're welcome 

Amanda - So how was your mall date with Michael 

Sandra - He bought me a necklace 

Amanda - What kind? 

Sandra - a 24 karat gold, REAL diamond encrusted heart 

Amanda - Are you serious?? How many diamonds? 

Sandra - I haven't counted 

Amanda - Well count them! :) 

Sandra - 25 

Amanda - Is he rich? 

Sandra - Well, sorta 

Amanda - No one can be just "sorta" rich 

Sandra - Well, I don't want to make it seem that I only like him for money. I would LOVE Michael even if he was poor 

Amanda - You should put that in your wedding vows 

Sandra - Who says I'm getting married with him??? 

Amanda - No one, I was kidding 

Sandra - Did your parents just call? 

Amanda - I think so 

Sandra - The phone just rang 

Amanda - Cool! 

Sandra - My parents wanna talk to me, so I have to go 

Amanda - Text me! 

Sandra - I will! Bye!

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