chapter Eighteen

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"Quickly Taylor! Get David, tell him Alex is seriously injured, she transformed and was wounded at the bottom of her stomach, tell him I'm trying to stop the bleeding as much as I can, go quickly." Emma rushed trying not to break down as Alex unintentionally transformed back into her naked human form, Emma tried to cover her mates naked body with the shredded clothing around her as Nicole patted Emma's back to comfort her while Emma ripped off her right sleeve of her shirt and wrapped it as far around Alex's torso it would go, and kept her hands pressed on it hoping the pressure would help the bleeding subside. She heard growling and snarling coming from above her so she looked up at two very pissed werewolves. "Please not for my sake but for Alex's sake call off the attack you are free to go after I just need to get Alex help I will call my guards off also. I will personally tell you everything myself or if you want we could wait until Alex is awake and we both tell you but just know that I love your daughter will all of my heart." Emma begged while cradling Alex's now bloody body across her lap. She didn't wait for a response, she just went back to putting pressure on her wound. "Shhh baby it's gonna be alright I promise we'll get you patched up, David will know what to do, stay with me though ok don't go asleep just yet love wait until we get David. C'mon baby you can do this your so strong, so brave. C'mon Alex I love you." Emma cooed into her girlfriends ear while beginning to pat her side. Janine silently thanked the moon goddess that she was in wolf form so no one would see her cry but her husband seen right through the fur, "Calm down my love, if we call off our attack maybe we will have Laura seen to quicker with less distractions. Try and be reasonable my love we obviously have to abandon our plan of a simple find and rescue since our daughter is being somewhat difficult, if we compromise then we could benefit alot and get our daughter back through less action and more communicative terms." Andrew advised trying to calm his own temper down and that of his wife's.

Janine's p.o.v -Alex's mum

"I don't trust her, she's a vampire." I say through my mind link with my husband while trying to figure out what that bloodsuckers plan is, "I mean what does she even want with Laura?" I then wondered and I couldn't help silently smell the vampires scent and was repulsed as the strong scent of violet's and death clogged my snout, then I realized that Laura was hurt because of her! I hate this bitch, it's all her fault! I then glance over the walking blood banks right shoulder to see how my daughter was holding up. I wanted to cuddle her into my fur and lick her wound better, she deserves more than this, I should never have left her in that market then none this would never have happened. We would probably be back with the pack getting Laura ready to take on her rightful Alpha role and me getting ready to step down as Alpha of Shadow-moon pack and become an elder like my parents before me.

Laura was chosen by the moon goddess when we had bathed her in the pool of guidance just after she was born, when I held her in the cool water I noticed that the ripples were normal then gradually started to ripple backward towards Laura and gently swirl around her causing her fragile little body to rock in my arms then a shimmering glow of the moonlight on the water started to grow brighter and brighter until its light found my little baby Laura and shown directly on her and darkened the area around us. I was fearful of what was happening, my precious little baby only two days old was already being evaluated by our gracious Luna but I trust that our Luna had some reason to take such an interest this early in our babies life, she usually waits until we are around ten or eleven years old as our strength and skills start to become stronger and more harder to contain without her guidance. We are normally brought in front of our elder tree, told to shift into our wolves and each must howl the loudest we could, then our Luna would appear as a large white wolf with piercing blue eyes that would pierce through our souls then sniff each of us individually, but with Laura she choose her right away and blessed her with the rightful future ruling of Shadow-moon pack along with the Alpha birth mark of a small darkish purple nearly black paw print on her left wrist.

A slave's messed up life (Lesbian story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz