Chapter 29

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Chapter 29: Carson’s P.O.V.

For the second time this week, I went to the band’s hotel room after school. They kept me waiting outside their door for a while. I knocked again and made a mental note to steal a key.

A messy-haired Brendon opened the door. His eyes were puffy from sleep and he was wearing pajamas.

“Great green gummy bears, did you just wake up? It’s three in the afternoon!” I blurted out.

“Nice to see you too,” Brendon said groggily. He waved lazily to tell me to come in. “Want a coffee?” I shook my head.

“Aren’t you the loud, energetic one?”

He poured some coffee into a mug. “I have a little more personality than that.” After stirring in some sugar, he said, “I was out late last night.”

“What could you possibly be doing out late on a Thursday night?” I teased.

“Celebrating!” He danced a little. “I closed on my apartment already and am moving in tomorrow.” Brendon sang the word tomorrow and grinned. His smile left him when I heard a door behind me open. “There’s the asshole.” He muttered.

I looked around to see Ryan putting on a coat. A grin came to my face, expecting a warm hello from him since the last time we talked was on the plane from Paris. No such hello came.

Ryan checked his hair in the mirror and put on his shoes in a rush.

“Got to go, having a coffee with Allison,” he said to no one in particular as he walked out the door. And then, he was gone.

It was hard to hide the disappointment in my face.

“He didn’t even say ‘hi’ to me,” I mumbled. Brendon took a sip of his drink.

“What do you say we go see my new place? You’d like it,” he said putting down his mug and going to his room.

“Okay,” I said even though I could tell my answer didn’t matter.

Taking me by surprise, Brendon came out only in his underwear.

“Brendon!” I said looking away.

“What? You’ve never seen a guy without his pants on?”

“I’m not going to answer that.”

“There they are!” I heard the clinking of a belt as Brendon made himself decent. “I always thought that virgin thing was just an act…You can look now.”

I did. He was sliding a shirt over his head. I remarked his nice abs.

“What do you mean ‘virgin thing’?” Brendon started to put on a hoodie. “Oh, you might want a heavier coat. It’s snowing.”

“Yeah, I don’t remember where I left my coat. I think I lost it before we went to Paris even,” He said as he tied his shoes. I chuckled, remembering that Allison still wears it every day.

“That’s weird,” I said unconvincingly. Quickly, I changed the subject. “Let’s take my car.”

“Okay. Do you want me to drive? I know the way.” I handed him my keys as an answer.

On the road, I thought it was the appropriate setting to get down to business.

“Why do you hate Ryan?” My question took Brendon by surprise. It was a while until he answered.

“I don’t hate Ryan.”

I snorted. “You guys fight all the time.”


“And you call him names, non-stop.”

“That doesn’t mean I hate him.”

“Then explain getting angry when he enters the room.”

“Well, he did break my arm. Twice.”

“Because you hate each other.” Brendon didn’t answer.

“So I hear you’re quite the high school looser?” He said some time later.

“Spencer,” I muttered. “Just because I don’t have a million friends doesn’t mean I’m a looser.”

“That’s okay; I was kind of a dork in high school too. You’re a winner in my eyes, Carson.”

“I don’t need a pep-talk. I was never upset!”

“You’ll get laid eventually.” My head snapped to his.

“There you are with that virgin talk-“

“Damnit!” Brendon cursed loudly. I looked ahead and realized he was addressing the large amount of traffic ahead of us.

I sighed. “Well, we weren’t in that big of a hurry anyways,” I said.

“I guess so,” he half-smiled at me. “Are you excited for your birthday?”

“Kinda,” he looked over at me questionably. “I mean, I hate all the attention-“

“No,” he interrupted. “Shut up.”

“What?” I asked, surprised by his rudeness.

“You cannot be one of those people. You get presents and cake for no reason. Like your birthday.”

“Why’d you ask then?”

“Small talk mostly,” he said honestly. “But now I’m glad I did.” I didn’t answer. “So you’ll be eighteen,” he said suggestively.

“Yes, pervert, I will.”

“See you are excited.” I rolled my eyes, but smiled.


Yay, chapter with Brendon! I swear, I am horrible at Carson's point of view. Excuse gramatical mistakes. It's late. What do you think will happen next?

I'll be on vacation next Monday so I can't upload til later in the week by the way.

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