Chapter 11

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Chapter 11-

Carson’s P.O.V

“Ahhhhhh!” My suitcase and music went everywhere across Ryan’s floor as I fell on top of a surprised Brendon.

“Clumsy Carson strikes again!” Jon yelled raising his hands as if I kicked a field goal.

“I give that one an eight, if you would have fallen on your face, or someone else instead of me, you would have gotten a ten.” Brendon said as he composed himself and we started to sit up.

“Well I give her a ten because Brendon, your face was priceless!” Spencer managed to get out in between bursts of laughter.

“I agree," Ryan nodded, "and Carson the screams you make while falling are the funniest things I think I have ever heard in my life!” Ryan stated.

“Well, what can I say? I was just born with an amazing talent of tripping over things.” I took a bow and they all applauded. I started to gather up the stuff that was I dropped earlier.

“Carson!” Ryan shouted suddenly.

I freaked out. “What is something on me?! Get it off! Get it off!” I screamed.

They all looked at me and started to laugh really hard. “I-I-if I h-had a dollar for every time Carson freaked out I would be richer then Mark Zuckerberg,” Spencer managed to say.

“Ha-ha very funny," I said dryly. "Now what did you have to tell me?” I asked giving Ryan a glare for scaring me.

“We are going to Paris in three days, and I know you haven’t been home because Brendon broke his hand, but we were going to do an interview and a concert with Pete Wentz down there. Also, we thought it would be a great idea to finish writing that song we started yesterday.” Ryan said, but I lost him when he said we were going to Pairs in three days.

Then BAM!!! It hit me like a ton of bricks that I, Carson Woods, am going to Paris in just three days. I started to jump up and down. “PARIS AND PETE WENTZ ALL IN THE SAME YEAR, WEEK, AND DAY?!”

“Yup, you do get to do that all in the same week, just try not to fall on top of him. He isn’t as… understanding as we are,” Brendon said. I didn’t know what he meant by that, but I know they love the guy like a brother so it can’t be that bad.

After packing everything, I said bye to all of them and then left for the airport. The excitement of going to Paris and meeting Pete Wentz was building up in me. I felt like I was going to blow up from all of it.


The cab pulled up to my house and dropped me off. The long plane ride and the time difference had me majorly jetlagged. The song came to my head immediately that I started to sing! “Permanent a jetlag, please take me back, please take me back… “

My parents were still in Arizona with my grandmother so I had the whole house to myself. My tummy started to rumble loudly. I walked into the kitchen and just decided to have cereal for dinner since I wasn’t really up to the whole cooking a full out meal, and come on, who doesn’t love breakfast for dinner? It’s the best!

I pulled out the fruit loops and headed for the fridge for milk. Just as I was about to pour the milk on to my yummy, and taunting cereal that keep saying, “Eat me, eat me! I am yummy and I have a toucan on my box and in my commercials!" I looked at the label and found out that the milk is expired and I have to run to Wal-Mart to go get some more.

I got in the car and put my IPod in the speaker it started to play ‘Blackbird’ by: the Beatles. I squealed. It is one of my favorite songs by them right up there with ‘Here Comes the Sun.’

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