"That’s us." he says. "I can tell you’re surprised. I get it. We didn't start off like that. We started just how you probably expected us to; color coordinated outfits and five part harmony throughout most of the songs. That used to be us but we've grown up over the last three, almost four, years, both as a band and as people."

"Wait you guys have been a band for four years? You guys got to the point of that song in four years? No way! Did you write the song?" I ask enthusiastically.

He’s smiling really big now. “Yes, some of us wrote it together. And yes, we got there in four years, but not on our own. I think you should watch our documentary, it’s called “This Is Us.”

"Are you guys ready to speed this back up?" the DJ asks. I hadn't even realized that the song had ended. I know it has when everyone starts cheering after the familiar beat of "Sail" by AWOLNATION begins to play.

“Do you want to keep dancing or do you want to head back to the booth?" Louis asks.

"Let’s go back. You can catch me up on what I’ve been missing." He smiles and offers me his arm, I gladly take it.

It takes us about five minutes to get there because we have to push through the crowd. He’s really good at this. Hmm.. I guess he should be, he kind of does it for a living. When we get back, Niall, Liam, and Harry are talking to each other and Zayn is tapping his fingers on the table. They look so awkward around eachother. It's almost like they aren't sure what to do with themselves.

Niall is in the middle of a sentence but stops what he's saying when he sees us. He quickly adresses us, not even bothering to finish whatever he was talking about before hand, "Its about time. I thought you kidnapped him." I laugh and Louis gives Niall the middle finger. I guess he didn’t think it was funny.

"It was a joke, Tommo, relax. I'm just trying to have a little fun since I can't drink in this country," Niall says sadly.

I take the seat next to Harry and Niall slides over so Louis can sit down.

"Where did you guys disappear to?" Zayn asks.

"We danced," I say. They all look at me with surprised expressions.

"You got him to dance?" Zayn says, gesturing toward Louis.

"No. I got her to dance," Louis says before I can answer. Okay then.

"You don't dance Lou," Harry says. "None of us do and when we do, which isn't often, it's usually to try to make each other laugh during our solos."

Louis sighs. "Well I danced with Cassie tonight and I had a good time. She's good company. I‘d dance more often if I got to dance with her every time." I gasp a little and Louis looks down quickly. His cheeks are bright red, he's embarrassed.

"Okay then," Liam says. He looks at his phone and then back up at everyone. "Mates, we should probably get going. It's 1:30 in the morning and we've got a photoshoot in six and a half hours.."

"Yeah," they all agree, except for Louis but he stands up anyways. I get up too so the rest of the boys can slide out of the booth.

The guys say their goodbyes; each of them receiving a hug from me. Afterwards, they start to walk towards the entrance but stop when they notice Louis isn’t moving. Everyone, aside from Harry, looks confused.

Louis shoos the guys. "I'll be out in a second. Go." They leave us, hesitantly. He watches them for a few seconds before finally turning back to me, phone in hand.

"I had a nice time," I say, smiling.

"So did I… Look, I don't want to sound too forward but can I have your number? I'd love to see you again," he says while adjusting his beanie.

"Sure. Do you mind?" I ask, pointing to his phone.

"No, of course not. Here," he says, unlocking his phone. I start to add a contact when I see my name is already in his phone. I giggle and he looks at me suspiciously. "You saved my Twitter handle," I say and his cheeks flush for the second time tonight. I don't want to embarrass him any further. I add my number to the contact and hand him back his phone.

"Thanks," he says.

Thirty seconds or so of silent weirdness passes before I speak. "Well I should probably get going too. I didn't even plan on coming to this club tonight, or ever again actually."

"I'm glad you did," he says. "Do you want me to walk you out?" I don't answer him. I take hold of his arm and we walk toward the entrance.

There's a big black SUV sitting in front of the entrance. I can see Liam and the rest of the boys sitting inside. A man, who I take is their security guard, is standing outside the vehicle, waving for Louis to get in.

"Can you wait here for just a second?" Louis asks me. I nod. "Great. I'll be right back," he assures me before walking away.

Louis' back within a minute, beaming at me. "Can I walk you to your car?" He asks, offering up his arm again.

"I'd like that." I say, intertwining my arm with is and then leading him towards my blue Volkswagen Beetle.

When we get to my car we hug one more time and say goodbye. After that, he turns on his heels and walks to the SUV. He gets in the car and it pulls off. Once the car goes thru the stop light, I don't see it again.

I get in my car and take a deep breath. It’s been a hell of a night; definitely not the night I was expecting. Man. I can’t believe any of that just happened. After collecting my thoughts, I turn on my car and leave the club. The drive home should give me enough time to make sure that this wasn’t all just a dream. Even if it was, I wouldn't mind. I had an amazing night.

A/N: Hey guys. How are you liking the story so far? I really hope you are enjoying it. I can’t wait to see where it goes.

I've got a few quick questions for you. What do you think about the chapter length? Should I make the chapters a bit longer? Please let me know.

Let’s see if we can get a few more votes this time. If this chapter gets fie votes before the end of the day, I will update early. If not, chapter five goes up tomorrow and six goes up on Thursday. Let’s see if we can do it.

Thank you for voting, commenting, and sharing; you guys are the best! And thanks for reading this chapter as well! C/V/S! Talk to you in the next chapter.

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