Chapter 2

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Sunday 11:00am ~

I was out at target trying to find something for my brothers daughter. It was her birthday party in a couple of weeks and she was turning 4. I had no idea what to get her because Ive never had a 4 year old girl. Ive never had any children.

I was looking at each aisle and then I saw grayson and his daughter lily. They were looking at some toys.

"grayson?" i say looking at him. He looks up and when he sees me he smiles.

"hey" he says walking over to me.

"hey. how are you" i ask.

"im good. how are you" he says picking up lily.

"hi ms lilly" i say smiling. She waves.

"im good." i say looking back up at him and smiling.

"thats good" he says smiling.

"hey I need some help." i say turning to look at the toys.

"yeah. whats up" He says looking towards what im looking at.

"so my brother has a 4 year old daughter and her birthday party is in a couple weeks and I have no idea what to get her. Do you have any suggestions" I ask turning to look at him.

"dose she like barbie dolls?" he asks.

"I guess so. im not really sure" i say shrugging my shoulders. he laughs.

"get her some barbies. Lily loves playing with them and shes about your nieces age" he says smiling.

"awesome. thanks" I say smiling.

"lily. which one should I pick" i say looking at her smiling.

"dat one" she says pointing at a pretty blonde hair barbie.

"this one it is" I say smiling and grabbing the doll. grayson just smiles.

"hey do you want to come get lunch with us" gray asks me.

"id love to" I say smiling.

"awesome." he says walking.

I check out and we head to the café.


"how many" the host says.

"three and can we sit outside please" grayson asks.

"yes right this way" she says walking to the table.

"hey will you hold her real quick while i go to the bathroom."
he says.

"yeah" i say smiling. He hands me lily and goes to the bathroom.

"cmon missy lets sit down" I say sitting down. Shes sitting on my lap and i have one arm wrapped around her tummy and the other one holding the menu.

she has a barbie in her hand and is waving it around.

"look" she says pointing at her face.

"pretty barbie" i say smiling. she giggles. I play around with the barbie with her.

graysons pov*

I went to the bathroom and handed liv lily. When i came back i see them playing with lilys barbie. Liv was smiling and making lily laugh which i loved seeing. I mean of course I make lily laugh but seeing someone else do it. A girl make her laugh its just different. Its a different feeling. A good different though.

end of pov*

"you want me to take her" gray says sitting down.

"shes fine" i say smiling at her while playing with the barbie.

"i brought a high chair for her" a waitress says.

"thank you" i say smiling.

"here lets set you in the big girl chair" i say picking her up and setting her in there.

"heres your barbie" i say handing her her barbie. I just see grayson smiling.

"so liv tell me about yourself" he asks.

"what would you like to know" i say looking at him.

"anything" he says smiling.

We talk and talk and get to know eachother. we have lots and lots of things in common. I found out that his wife passed when having lily. It broke my heart when he told me that. For a baby to loose her mother right when shes born. I couldnt even imagine.

I told him about my husband so I understand what he was going through when he lost his wife. we talk some more about life and our past and then get the check.

"here ill take that" i say grabbing the check.

"liv no you cant do that" he says trying to grab it.

"gray its fine. let me pay" i say smiling. he smiles.

"okay baby girl you ready for a nap because daddy is" he says picking lily up. I giggle.

"I could use a nap too" I say giggling.

We stand up and start heading to our cars.

"thanks for lunch" I say smiling.

"no thank you" he says smiling. I smile.

"heres my number. We should do this again" I say handing him a piece of paper.

"id love to" he says smiling.

"bye lilly" i say grabbing her little hand. I look up at gray.

"bye grayson" i say getting in my car.

"bye" he says smiling.

graysons pov*

wow. I just had lunch with liv and found out so many things about her. We have so much in common and definitely have stuff in common about losing a loved one. Finding someone that relates to that is nice. Not having to explain how it felt. She already knew how it felt so I didnt have to explain. She was kind and knew how to keep a conversation. She wasnt just interested in me she was also interested in lily which made me smile.

This girl is something. something good:)

end of pov*

authors note: Chapter 2 is up!! Hope you guys like it so far!

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