11. 'Turned in'

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'This isn't fair, Lexi finds out who killed Justine, they kill Grace and kidnap her' Jay said. 'And the only way to get her back is for one of us to go to jail'

'I don't wanna go to jail' Jordyn said 'None of us should'

'If we don't, Lexi dies' Olivia said

'Ya, but if one of us goes in, our lives are over' Kate said

'Lexi's more important' Olivia said ''Ill confess, they thought it was me anyways''

''No, you cant'' Jordyn said

'I'm 16, ill find a way to get out, and if not.. than I'm so thankful for you all' Olivia said, getting teary eyed.

'Why don't we look for her?' Jordyn said 'Before we do anything'

'Good idea' Kate said, all of a sudden their was a faint sound.


'Who's there!' Kate yelled, but looked down, seeing it was Grace.

'She's trying to speak' Jay said, getting down.

'Call cops. Show them texts' Grace said

'Ya, do it' Olivia said

''They wont believe it'' Jay said

'TRY!' Jordyn said

''Guys,'' A girl voice said, everyone turned to see Alison, Grace's sister.

'Alison?' Kate asked

''Guys, grace killed Justine.. I saw someone take Lexi towards a cabin, ill turn myself over....'' Alison said 'My parents are gone, my sisters dead.. Nothing left for me'

'I couldn't ask you to do that' Jay said

'I'm offering, and I'm doing it', 'Ill say I killed Grace too... You guys get out of here'

Kate began to cry, but hugged Alison, 'Thank you'

The four began to run back to Kate's, and Alison called the police turning herself in, When they got back, the party was over, and everyone had left, Kate opened her Pandora gift from Alison, it was a bracelet with a heart.

''I cant believe Grace was actually the killer'' Olivia said ''Its finally over''

The sliding door to Kate's opened, and something smashed. 'JAY!' Lexi cried running into the room, and into Jay's arms.

'Lexi, oh my god your ok' Jay cried

'Grace is the killer'

'We know' Liv said 'It's over.'

'It's finally, actually over now' Kate smiled

'We can finally let Justine rest' Jay smiled

'In peace like she deserves' Alexis smiled

'She was such a good friend' Liv said starting to cry again. 'I loved her so much'

'As we all did' Lexi said

'Happy Birthday to me' Kate laughed 'Ill never forget this one'

'That's for sure' Everyone laughed

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