07 | i'm alone now

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Dear (Dead) Best Friend,

what the hell, man?

i thought good best friends didn't leave each other?

you said you'd always be here.

but you lied to me.

friends don't lie.

honestly, this isn't how i imagined writing this.

i swear you make me insane even in death.

i mean i'm yelling at you, my dead best friend.

does that make me an asshole?

whatever, you better haunt my butt or i'll come and join you.

because truth is i can't imagine a day without you.

i miss your laugh even though it was fake

i miss your smile that reached your eyes even though there were a thousand and one painful memories behind them

heck, i even miss your tear stained cheeks because it meant you were alive, beside me, and not dead, miles away in a coffin.

i want you to come back goddamnit.

i want you to be here, i'd give anything
for you to be alive.

because i miss you.

because i care for you.

because unlike your boyfriend, i actually love you.

Best wishes,
the boy who wished he could tell you how much he really loved you.

P.s. i won't let your brother join you.

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