Septimus Decimus

41 4 0

My words get ignored
My ideas get disregarded
My contributions don't get appreciated
My suffering gets neglected
I remain inconspicuous

My frustrations I voice out
Yet no one witnesses them get released
My screams they echo loudly
Yet no one is there for them to be heard
I remain unseen

I continue to ask
Do you hate me that much?
I continue to ask
Do you not see me?
But no one answers

I'm fed up, so tired
Yet no one is even here to see such
I'm crying, asking for help
Yet it seems that no one is ever coming
I need someone

I need something
Even just a simple glance or a hug
Will suffice, will be enough for this
Miserable, unwanted nobody
Just please give me that something

Hungrily yearning for attention
I finally submit to the temptation, but
The curse isn't washed away by red
Till the end that damned adjective stays
I am still invisible

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