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"I love you."
All you said to me was, "I love you."
Never ever will I forget that night,
When you put my hand on your heart.
I felt it, the vigorous staccato of life,
Of a heart beating with happiness and delight.
I heard your laughter, of pure and innocent legato.
That moment, all that you mumbled was, "I love you."

During that moment, I realized,
Despite the unfair abundance of deception,
You still strived to make a path for both of us.
Amidst the trials that presented themselves,
you still held on to your promise,
And when our lips locked, you gave me infinity,
an oath of never-ending love.

Lots of promises, you have made;
You promised to sacrifice.
You promised a forever that will last;
Longer than our souls,
Longer than our hearts,
Longer than we're expecting,
Longer than that of us.
All this, when you said, "I love you."

"I love you."
Those three words were all that you blurted out.
So great, classic and unfaded,
The promise of your life to everlasting love.
The offering of yourself in the name of that thing.
My hunger for that etcetera was fulfilled.
All that, when you promised me eternity.

The beauty of the universe, you showed to me,
You let me hear the rhythm of life,
You were the cause behind the smile in my face,
And unlike others, our situation was different.
We had love as foundation, we had the life of tomorrow.

You listened to my never-ending stories,
Sat next to me in my times of sorrow.
Serenaded in front of me,
Always filled with surprises that always amazed me,
And you danced with me to my favorite song.

But then all of a sudden, it was different.
It was unexpected.
Like a bubble, it popped in the blink of an eye.
It was once perfect, now it is all gone.

You've granted my wishes,
You were the answer to my questions,
You made a whole new world,
Just for me... I guess.
As how it looks right now though,
Many things have changed.
You've changed.

You manipulated me, turned me against the world.
What was once the angelic sonata of love,
You've turned into a chaotic tune.
From then on, you grew worse.
You turned my happiness-filled smiles into frowns,
Riddled with sadness and lies.
It felt like... you killed me.
You've taken away the life I once enjoyed.

You've failed me. Hurted me.
Gave me pain, wholeheartedly. You didn't care for me.
You left me to die alone.
If anything, I would have cried blood,
Whenever my feelings would explode.
What was once ours, you claimed only for your own.

"I love you."
Once again you said those words like an unyielding mantra.
You kept on whispering these words to my ear,
Ever so tired from listening to you.

I understand,
You're simply insensitive to do anything worth mentioning,
That you just can't be true to your promise of love everlasting,
Instead, you flaunted your skills in giving up,
You proved that you were a coward, a sly fox,
And made me look like a fool, who actually believed there was a forever for us.

Still, thank you. Thank you for your presence.
For all that you did.
Don't worry now, for I can carry on.
I can live even without you, even if my life lacks you.

Once again with my own two eyes, I will revise my current view of the world,
I will go out there and relive true beauty.
Once again with my own two ears, I shall hear the sweet rondo of the seasons.
I will be the one to rise up for my own and by myself, I'll make merry.
I shall stand on my own two feet once again, whose freedom you once stole.

I'll go out once again and partake on a journey,
To find the one who truly deserves me and who I truly deserve.
That somebody who would find joy in listening to my 'irritating' stories,
That somebody who would be there for me when I feel sad,
That somebody who would sing and give me gifts from the heart,
And especially, that somebody...
Who would dance with me, until the point where our feet would hurt.

I'll find that someone who could make my prayers come true.
The one that truly I can say, is eternity personified.

You, I don't regret leaving you.
In fact, I'm happy. For I know, that there is someone else for me.
I'm sure that you can find your own infinity.
There are many in this world who are suffering and wanting to be loved like you.
Someday too, you'll find the yin to your yang,
You both will be a pair that deserves each other.

So now, for everything, thank you,
For showing me we weren't meant to be,
That we aren't like the match made in heaven that we thought we were.
Just never forget this; I'm happy whenever you're happy.
For both of us, we need to move on from each other.

Now let go of me, who you once treasured,
And let your tears flow.
Remember though, cry not of heartbreak, but instead because you know,
Beyond the boundary of truth and lie, is another tomorrow.

"I love you." Truly, "I really love you."
Because of this, I too will let you go.
Now, spread your wings and reach out to the world.
You are now free, free from me your cage.

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