Sextus Decimus

41 3 0

Oh cruel fate
What is Love?
Is it a raven
Or maybe a dove?

Is it music
Or maybe noise?
Is it of impulse
Or maybe of poise?

And much more of these
Questions I ask
Because to grasp what we have
Is a difficult task

Thinking a list would help me understand
All it did was confuse and perplex
For alas my dear
Our love is simply complex
But still, indeed a love it truly is...

Storge - Familiar Love
I was born into a loving family
Raised to be a happy child
Protected from the world so wild
Yet I couldn't help but to feel empty
Then you came my childhood friend

Philia - Affectionate Love
You were to me heaven-sent
Somebody with color
The monotone you bent
So we became closer
Until that day you moved away

Pragma - Enduring Love
Whenever I saw an affectionate pair
A familiar feeling pulled on my hair
So on impulse I went on a journey
And set forth to find you
Knowing what was throbbing so painfully

Ludus - Playful Love
When we once met again
Like magnets we became inseparable
Then with stomach rioting with butterflies
Unknowingly I started to fall
For those beautifully enticing eyes

Eros - Erotic Love
And so what we had became
Something of burning passion
Tongues locked together
Bodies pressed with one another
We wanted more of this sweet delusion

Mania - Obsessive Love
Then our wants became need
Our desires reached beyond sanity's limit
Wanting to have this eternity to ourselves
We pushed each other till we were to submit
All to satisfy our bottomless greed

Philautia - Self Love
Then reality hit me like a train when
You said that this was clouding your true self
Continuing on you said, so blue,
"How can I love you
When I can't love myself?"

Agape - Selfless Love
And so I let you go without hesitation
For I realize now that what we had
Was a genuine but dangerous love
But this I promise to the stars above
I'll always welcome you back, my salvation

Then our paths were crossed once more
Selfish little you cried,
"I want you back" and I refused, saying,
"Selfish little me who loves you forevermore
Was always by your side."

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