1. Socialization APP

Start from the beginning

Lunch break ended not too long after and the boring lectures of resumed once again. I yawned as I sat there, twirling my mechanical pencil in my right hand while my left hand merely rested on my notebook. Some tears formed in my eyes from my drowsiness, blurring my vision, and forced me to wipe them away with my fingers. With now crystal clear vision, I looked down at my notebook and observed my bland and boring penmanship. In my mind, I was suddenly reminded of Muria's notebook.

I let out a sigh of defeat. I've lost. Her notes are just so much better than mine. I peeked at her from the corner of my eye, taking in her beauty as she sat there, focused on the lecture, in the traditional summer school uniform of my high school. The white short-sleeved button-up blouse looked perfect on her. When my eyes accidentally wandered to her slender legs, they were attracted by the navy blue skirt that girls had to wear as part of their uniform that revealed the perfectly proportioned legs and thighs of this girl that sat next to me.

She seems to not have noticed me staring, but I never know with her. She's always so observant, so cautious to the point that I could never be sure that what I'm doing she might be seeing. That is why I immediately looked away just in case. With nothing else to look at and nothing to do, I decided that I might as well focus on the lecture. However, not long after, I yawned once again. Why does history have to be so boring?


The bell that signaled the end of the school day finally rang, releasing me from my prison and to the freedom of the outside world. I'm not in any clubs or sports so I usually head straight home from school. Others that do not participate in any school programs or activities usually just hang out with their friends, but I don't have people that I could truly consider a friend that I can do things with.

With a sigh, I forced myself up from my seat and picked up my bag. As I looked up, I saw Muria leaving the classroom.

Is she in a club or a sport? I don't think so and I've never really paid attention to those things. If I truly wanted to know, I could always just ask the girls in the class, but then I would most definitely be labeled with the title of a Stalker or a Creep so I restrained myself. Besides, what she does is none of my business.

Since my school isn't too far from the nearest station, walking there only took me about five minutes. There, I passed the ticket gates, took the escalator to get to the underground platforms, and waited for my train. Once it arrived at the station, I got on, took a seat, and just stared at the screen of my phone with a bored look.

I stared blankly at the home screen of my smartphone, dazed and unwilling to do anything else while I leaned back on the seat. People around me must think that I'm waiting for an important text message or something, but I'm not. I'm just doing my best to past time and avoid eye contact with the others. It's not that I don't have anything to do on my phone, it's just that I'm bored, and when I bored, I often remain bored.

My life can be summarized with three words: Boring and gloomy. That describes my life and me perfectly. My parents died in an accident four years ago when I was twelve, so I was raised by Loriana, someone who I call my "aunt" who is only nine years older than me. The reason for my parents' death I do not know for sure. All I was ever told is that it was in a horrible accident and that both died. However, I never saw their bodies. Every time I were to ask to see their corpses, I was told that it was mutilated so badly that seeing it would scar me for life so I was never allowed to see their bodies.

When I had snuck into the morgue that year, I only found the body of my father. It was badly mutilated just like my aunt had told me. However, I was never able to locate my mother's body. In fact, in the records at the morgue, she never died. That is what led me to believe that my mother had ran off with some other guy that she had an affair with, and that pushed my father to commit suicide by jumping off of a building.

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