"Thank you," Harry sighed.

          "Sleep Haz, I'm  not going anywhere," Niall reassured him. Without a second though both boys feel asleep.

             Liam was the first to wake up in the morning. The bus was still moving he knew they had another long day of driving ahead of them. He got up slowly and started to walk up to the front of the bus when he noticed Harry cuddled close to Niall. Liam stopped and pause looking down at them. Since Niall was in Harry's bed he assumed Harry asked him to stay with him. He knew he couldn't wake Niall without waking Harry so he'd have to wait for an answer. He walked up front and got some breakfast.

            Louis got up next. He too saw Niall and Harry snuggled together. He knew immediately Harry was sick. He got very clingy when he was ill. Niall seemed to be the lucky recipient this time around. He walked out to the front finding Liam eating some cereal and joined him.

          "Did you see Haz and Ni?" Liam asked.

          "Harry's sick," Louis told him taking a bite of his cereal. Liam sighed leaning back in his chair.  

           "That makes sense," Liam sighed. "He must've gotten sick last night and Niall got up."

            "Now Niall's stuck with him," Louis chuckled. When Niall woke up he had to untangle himself from the blankets and Harry's grasp. He carefully got out of Harry's bed trying not to wake him. He made his way up to the other boys still feeling tired from the long night before.

           "Hey Nialler there you are," Liam smiled.

          "Harry's sick," Niall told them sitting down at the table.

          "We know," Louis replied.

          "We figured that's what was going on when we saw you this morning," Liam added. 

          "He was throwing up last night," Niall explained rubbing his hand over his face. "I got up when I heard him and I've been with him ever since."

           "Glad you were with him. You know how he gets when he's sick," Liam told him. Niall nodded, his eyes struggling to go stay open.

            "Why don't you go lay back down mate? You're clearly tired," Louis asked. Niall shrugged.

             "Guess I can," Niall yawned.

             "Go lay down on the couch. You need it," Liam told him. Niall didn't argue. He did as Liam said and went to the couch. It seemed as soon as his head hit the pillow he was out again.

         When Harry woke he shivered as his fever raged. He felt anxious that he was now alone. His stomach whirled around inside him and pain shot through his abdomen. He whimpered putting his arms around his aching belly. He wanted Niall to come back and lay with him again. He felt so much better when Niall was there with him. He started to get up slowly making his way up front. Louis was the first to see Harry slowly walking up to them.

         "Morning lad, Niall said you were ill," Louis said softly. Harry nodded starting to feel queasy again.

         "Where is Niall?" Harry asked feeling anxious.

           "Asleep on the couch. He's absolute knackered. You must be too mate," Louis explained. Harry nodded. "Why don't you go back to bed. We can send Niall back if you'd like?" Harry's stomach start to flip and his mouth started to water. Louis and Liam both took noticed as Harry's face lost its color.

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