A Narry Weekend

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As the sun started to go down on that Friday night Harry walked into his apartment and kicked off his shoes. He was exceptionally tired and he wasn't quite sure why. He took off his coat and threw it over a chair as he walked into his living room. He plopped down on the couch and turned on the T.V. the volume blared and he winced as pain shot through his head. He turned it down to lessen the pain and found quick relief. He knew it was late and he needed to eat dinner but he was so tired he wasn't feeling up for dinner. All he really wanted was to get into bed.

"What a lame Friday night," he said out loud to himself. He watched T.V. for a while until his eyes became too heavy to keep open. His bed seemed like too far of a walk so he just laid down on the couch and shut his eyes.

When he opened his eyes the room was pitch black. The T.V. had turned off and the sun was gone. Harry pulled out his phone to check the time. 11:52. He groaned and got off the couch and started to head towards his bedroom. His whole body felt weak. His head had started to pound but he shrugged it off to his awkward sleeping position on the couch. He crawled into bed and curled up in a ball, pulling his blankets up around him. He shut his eyes and fell right back into a deep sleep.

It was early the next morning when Niall heard his phone ring. He groaned and looked at the time. It wasn't even 7 in the morning yet. Who on earth would be calling him? He picked up his phone seeing it was Harry and answered.

"Hello?" Niall answered groggily.

"I'm sorry to wake you Ni." Harry's voice sound weak.

"What's wrong Haz?" Niall asked a little more coherently.

"Do you have any medicine?" Harry asked sadly.

"What kind of medicine?" Niall asked sitting up in bed. "Are you sick?"

"I threw up a lot last night," Harry sighed. Niall felt his heart sink a little. "I finally got a break. I think maybe I have a fever as well."

"Aww Haz, yeah I think I've got some. You want me to come over?" Harry sighed with relief. He was so glad Niall offered. He wasn't too keen on the idea of being sick by himself.

"Would you mind?" Harry asked. Niall had already thrown on some clothes and was working on his shoes.

"I'm like halfway out the door," Niall replied. Harry smiled a little to himself. "You hang on for a little bit I'll be there as soon as I can be."

"Thanks a ton Nialler," Harry sighed happily.

"Take is easy until I get there ok Haz?" Niall instructed.

"Just hurry," Harry pleaded.

"I will." Niall hung up the phone and hurried around, quickly grabbing the medicine he promised and several other things he thought he might need. He grabbed his keys and rushed out the door. "Hold on Hazza," Niall whispered to himself.

Harry waiting anxiously for Niall. His stomach was started to feel uneasy again and he didn't want to throw up anymore. At least not on his own. He was laying on the couch waiting for Niall to get there. His hand placed on his bloated belly while the other was holding his pounding head. He knew Niall had a key to get in so he didn't bother getting up when he heard movement coming from outside his front door. He heard the door open and sighed with relief.

"Nialler?" he called.

"I'm here Haz," Niall called back. He rushed into the living room finding Harry in his sorry state. He sat down the things he brought and sat next to Harry on the couch. "You alright Harry? You look like Hell," Niall teased trying to bring a smile to his friend's face. Harry raised the corner of his mouth slightly.

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