You and Harry are sick together

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You sat and rubbed Harry's back as he was sick for the third time that day. He had come home from the studio with a fever and a stomachache. He found himself throwing up the rest of the day. Tears slipped out of his eyes as heaves racked his body.

"Shh baby, doing great," you whispered. Harry heaved again over the toilet and coughed.

"I fucking hate this," he cried. He gagged again and let the tears fall from his eyes.

"I know baby, I know," you soothed him. After several more minutes his stomach calmed down. He weakly flushed the toilet and tried to stand. He weak legs shook as he stood so you held him for support. "You want to go back to bed?" you asked him. He nodded. You lead him back to bed and covered him up with the covers.

"Please don't leave me," Harry whimpered.

"I won't Hazza," you reassured him. You crawled into bed and pulled him into to you. You rubbed up and down his back and he put his head in your chest as he curled up into a ball. "I'm sorry you're sick Hazza," you whispered.

"I'm just glad you're here," he whispered.

"I'm here, so just relax." He let out a deep breath and his body seemed to relax. You looked at the clock and it was just 6:00 in the evening. When you were sure Harry had fallen asleep you slowly got out of bed and walked downstairs to the kitchen. You made yourself a quick dinner and started to eat. You couldn't seem to finish dinner for some reason, it just wasn't sitting right with your stomach. You stopped eating and got Harry a sleeve of crackers and a bottle of water. You walked back up to the bedroom and Harry opened his eyes and looked at you.

"Y/N," he said softly.

"Yeah baby, it's me. I want you to try to eat a little," you told him sitting on the edge of the bed. You handed him the crackers and he sat up and carefully ate a few. He sipped on the water slowly trying not to upset his stomach further. When he had had enough he handed the crackers back to you. "How you feel?" you asked.

"I think I'm alright," he said lying back down.

"Just relax, Haz. I'm going to call Liam to tell them you're doing alright. He's been blowing up my phone," you chuckled. You stroked Harry's hair as you stood up. "I'll be right back," you told him. He nodded. You walked out to the living room and dialed Liam's number.

"Hey love," Liam answered.

"Hey Payno, how are you?"

"Good, I'm good love. How's Harry? He ok?" He asked clearly concerned.

"He's doing better now, he threw up several times but he seems to be a bit better now," you explained.

"How are you feeling?" He asked next.

"I don't know, I was fine early today. Now I'm just tired," you replied honestly.

"Probably just from taking care of him."

"Are the other boys ok?" You asked Liam.

"Yeah they are both fine, it was just Harry sick," he replied.

"Alright, I'm gonna get off here and head back with him. I just wanted to let you know he was alright."

"Thanks for the update darling, call if you need anything."

"I will, Liam. Thank you," you smiled.

"You are very welcome. Give Harry my best."

"I will."

"Alright, goodbye Y/N,"

"Bye, Liam." You hung up the phone and walked back upstairs. You were exhausted and you weren't sure why. When you walked into the bedroom Harry was sound asleep. You smiled a little and crawled into bed exhausted and you weren't sure why. When you walked into the bedroom Harry was sound asleep. You smiled a little and crawled into bed with him. As soon as you shut your eyes you were sound asleep.

You woke up several hours later with a pain in your stomach. You looked over at Harry who was still sound asleep. You put your hand on his head feeling for a fever. He was warm but not as warm as before.

"Great," you muttered to yourself as shivered. You on the other hand did have a fever. You curled up in the blankets trying to get warm. You laid there for several minutes until a strong wave of nausea washed over you. You got out of bed quickly and went into the bathroom shutting the door behind you. You hovered over the sink trying to regain your composer. You stood there for a few minutes before you gagged the first time. You turned around and lowered yourself in front of the toilet. You gagged again and coughed. You must have woken up Harry because he came into the bathroom.

"Oh baby," he whispered kneeling down beside you.

"Harry, no. Go back to bed," you told him. He ignored you and pulled back your hair as you gagged again. "Harry, you're sick. Please go back to bed," you pleaded. Your stomach convulsed painfully and you began retching into the toilet.

"There you go baby," Harry whispered. You gagged and heaved again bring up everything you had eaten.

"Harry, you shouldn't be in here," you told him before throwing up some more.

"I got you sick, I'm not going to leave you," Harry said sternly. You gagged again, vomit now hanging from your mouth. Harry grabbed some toilet paper and cleaned off your mouth as you took deep breaths trying to calm down. "Ok now, baby girl?" He asked softly. Your stomach had relaxed so you nodded. He flushed the toilet for you and lifted you in his arms.

"Harry, you need to go back to bed and take it easy," you told him. He again ignored you and carried you to bed and covered you up. He got back in bed with you and pulled you into him.

"Sleep," he said softly. You shut your eyes and went back to bed. You two spent the next day in bed together. Liam came over to keep an eye on you both. You looked up at Harry and said.

"Thank you for taking care of me last night." He kissed your head and smiled.

"Thank you for taking care of me all day yesterday," He replied. He pulled you in close and you guys cuddled all day. You both were feeling better a few days later.

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