Chapter 2

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I could feel my fragile skin being cut open. The red blood slowly coming down, oozing. I kept cutting my arm with my sharp silver razor. It hurt so bad but felt so good, like I was releasing pain from all those years of neglect and abuse.

After I got up and stood in front of the mirror and looking myself. I asked myself what was wrong with me? Why can't I be like the girls on the magazines?

"Why is this happening to me!?" I breathlessly screamed

Before I knew it my face was down in my pillow. My eyes were so wet and red. I eventually cried my self to sleep right after I slowly wrapped my arms with bandages.

The next morning I started my same old routine. I stood at the bus stop with black jeans, a mint green sweater, and my white flats. A boy seemingly my age kept looking at me, but not the disgusted way every body else did. He actually smiled and his smile was quite cute I would say.

He must be new, because who would want to talk to me I mean c'mon? I've always have negative thoughts about myself, just because everyone was so disgusted by me. Even I became disgusted of my self.

Before I could battle my thoughts any further he moved closer to me.

"Hi my names James. " He softly spoke

Did he just really talk to me? I just stared straight at his incredibly handsome face, like a dork. His black hair was in a gel spike. His hazel green orbs looked into mine, and his red nike shirt and kaki shorts fit his perfect form.

He was perfect...Wait why am I talking like this I don't even know him yet. I'm falling for a stranger?

I snapped out of my daze and remembered he had spoken to me.

"Uh, hey my name is C-Catherine" I stuttered out

He let out a quiet chuckle as we got onto the bus. I think he caught me staring. We sat next to each other and talked the whole way to school. I learned he just moved to South Dakota from Florida with his family.

(James p.o.v)

I just moved to a new house in a new place with my family, I didn't know anybody that would be going to my school. But then I came across, what seemed to be the most beautiful girl in the world.

Her hair fell perfectly over her shoulders and she had the most amazing smile, that could end wars and cure cancer. I just had to walk over to her and start conversing.

"Hi my names James." I introduced myself

She just stared at me. Was there something on my face? I wondered. Then it followed up with a "Uh,hey my name is C-Catherine." It was cute, she seemed nervous.

This is what I needed to start of my school year. We started talking and I just looked into her ocean blue eyes the whole time. She is too perfect.

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