Lauren : The Black Widow Chronicles

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Forgive me if am wrong but I really dispize the show of affection hes getting right now from Kitten. While I sit here with a rock hard boner...while there having the time of there life and probably the best orgasm ever. Curse my perfect hearing ...damn she was just so damn seductive shes literally one of a kind type of women. I bet he probably never got a lap dance like that in his life shit will scar him for life but only in the best ways.

Nyemiahs P.O.V

"Good morning beautiful". It was so precious how she just snuggled closer to me. She hated waking up in the mornings much less getting out the comfort of her bed. I can get last night out of my head the things we said and the things we did after . I think we both took intamcy to another level last night and had a piece of heaven. That night and this morning how does she do it she literally comes out at night. A vixen and a goddess how did I ever end up with both I don't know  but I have a feeling it I stay in this bed any longer I might not get out at all.

I left her sleeping in the bed but in couple minutes I know she's going to get up. So I went on the shower to wash last nights episode off and make some coffee.  "Hi handsome, you left me all alone in bed."  My goddess save me she was wrapped in my sheets and fully naked .  I  don't think I could get  beautiful picture out of my head . Her chocolate brown skin  and messy hair all its glory wrapped in my sheets goddess help me. "Well am sorry princess you just looked so peaceful sleeping.  

The smile on her face made the sun shine brighter , I am just totally fascinated with her. "You make me blush am sure I looked like a troll sleeping ". I didn't like how she sees herself sometimes I couldn't help the growl of disapproval. "Am sorry Nyemiah don't be a grumpy baby honey am just kidding ok".  "I am totally not a grumpy baby am a grumpy man" she started laughing and crying at the same time her laugh is infectious I couldn't help myself so I joined her in her laughter . After eating breakfast I swear this woman has plans on making me fat but everything just taste so damn good. She went to her dance studio after we cleaned up and ate and I went to my office planning to do work but wasn't very successful. My head wouldn't co- operate me and the task I had planned for the day . Instead I was think how sexy Lauren would look a cross my lap right now taking a good spanking.

It took a lot of will power to not go to that studio and ravage her until she screams my name. Ugh the woman drives me crazy in all the possible ways a man could go crazy but for some odd reason I wouldn't trade it for the world.  I got a lot of paper work to do I think am going to call Damon because trying to do this by myself is just not working out for me. " hey Damon you free man , I need some help." "Depends what type of help are we talking about". " Well I was supposed to be working but I can't get Lauren out of my head and I got a dred load of paper work to do that I haven't even started yet " .  He laughed at me said I sound like a puppy in love to be honest it was true I was a love struck puppy but I still wanted to beat his ass though. I decided to give up on my task for today and go watch Lauren 


Lauren : The Black Widow Chroniclesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें