The black widow chronicles : Nyemiah

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All she could do was sit there and cry. And pretend like everything's okay the minute she wakes up. She watches the love of her life be in feldelity whiles she's not there and someone else take up her role. Watching everyone around her evole while she tries to cope with a beer  that wont even make her drunk. I refuse to give her anything else  her best friend worry about losing her while dealing with everything else and she can't be there for him .She watches as her sister goes through hell and back and not be able to comfort her the way a sister should. the sad thing about it she enjoys it . This is not the sunshine I knew as a kid she changed dramaticly, am not exactly perfect either I never told her the real story of why I left . I found out she was mines pretty early  but as her beta I wasn't allowed to touch the alphas mate . So I was forced to find another but now am not running anymore am coming to claim what was rightfully mines in the first place and help her get her's.  

How long will they expect the excuse "she's to far away "  how long could they what is her use to them if she can't do anything beneficial at all for them. The people of Norse are getting restless its time to wipe her back into shape . Sometimes she wonders why they still love her it's only a matter of time I guess her name is Black widow for a reason... shes vengences itself

Black widow P.O.V

The way he looks at me I see pity in his eyes  I don't want his pity for me . He refuses to give me anything stronger to drink  "You've been at the bottle to long Lauren time to get up".  Oh come on not like am getting drunk anyways but says I should try his methods . But that's Nyemiah always to stubborn one the word No never really fit in his vocabulary . I don't remember Betas being this hard headed I don't really do the whole excrise thing I kind of like my thickness and something tells me so does Nyemiah.  But the asshole decided it was ok to wake me up three in the morning for  a run .

"Nyemiah are you f**king serious right now I was have a beautiful sleep just now . And you decide it ok to scare me to get the hell up for a run. Do you realize I could have killed you asshole." 

"Well you didn't Lauren so stop complaining and get your ass  up your coming with me . and please don't argue with me and its nice to know your reflexes are still functioning ."

" are you serious you've got to be kidding "

"Lauren you've known me for years now when you i ever kid around  about training . get your ass up before i drag you out there in what you have on."

"I bet you would love that wont you Nye "

Sigh Nyemiah is a dangerous boy  he walked out me room with a smirk on his face because he just knew he won. It's really pointless arguing with him but that never stopped me though I kind like it the fire behind his eyes gives me chills . But I dear not mention it though the amount of trouble I would be in with him for the naughty thoughts a lone. Would get us both in so really heated trouble in the bedroom of course. 

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