The Black widow chronicles 3

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They look at you and lie telling you that they love you and care for you with a heartful of envy. Simply because you put a fake smile on your face everyday. Think that there's nothing wrong with you they don't see the pain ,they don't see the heartache that they have caused you. They assume and speculate about you but their assumptions are wrong they are so wrong their standing on the outside looking in.Not really seeing me for who I really am, Look pass my smile and see my unhappy face, You see my glowing brown eyes but do you also see the tears that you caused . I was in love once  but weren't we all i hear them say , gave  my all blood sweat and tears and you took it and gave it to someone else . And left me alone to die in my own sorrow to weak to heal .. to ashamed to come back to the place i once called home.  And all I could do was cry while their  life was just beginning with  mines was ending . When I heard you said the very words you told me once before "I love you" and she said the same. My only blood sister has betrayed me Zhavia ..behind my back she secretly sees my lover whom I thought was only loyal to me . Conspired against my thrown  in her own quest to become queen of Norse . I was the strongest in our family bloodline  the eyes of my wolf are said to be the color of my great grandfather before me Fenrir  and the color of my fur midnight like my father before me  Hati  "the snatcher of the moon."  a woman scroned is not to be played with blood ties we might have has just been burned . left me for the dead in the woods and try to steal my crown little did you know the prophcies have been ectch in stone . I am still the only true queen of Norse and am coming for my crown.

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