It's The End

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(Third person's point of view)

The light of day soon came over the Horizon, and the black of night disappeared. Page soon woke up to a nice sunny day and Greg by her side. She smiled and got up, as she walked off the back of the truck. She went to the front seat and opened the door and grabbed the bag in the passengers seat. In the bag was some sandwiches for them that morning. She grabbed the water bottles that were still cold and ran back to where Greg was. She set the bag down and climbed back on the truck. She steadily made her way over to him. She soon began to shake him slowly, waiting for him to wake up.

"Hmm five more minutes." He said in a sleepy voice and turned to his side. Page rolled her eyes and playfully hit his side.
"Hey sleepy head, Wake up!!" She yelled as she pushed him so he would move. Normally this would be working, but it wasn't so she got down off the truck. She had an idea.

  Greg then jerked upwards as water was squirted in his face.
"What the hell Page!!!!" He yelled as he wiped his face looking her way.
"That's what you get for not waking up when I told you too." She said giggling at him. With a smirk, Greg got down and walked over to the bag. He grabbed a water and took a sip at it. But he soon looked puzzled and stared at it.
"What is it?" Page asked as she walked over to him and looked in the water. With a quick movement Greg squeezed the bottle and the water squirted in her face. She jumped back and wiped her face as she looked over at him angry. Greg busted out laughing and held his stomach as he did so. Page ended up laughing at it as well.
"Here, we might as well start to eat." She said and came over with the bag and sat with him.

After eating and having time to dry off Greg and Page get into the car ready to leave.
"Are you sure we'll be ok?" She asked as she held his hand with the keys.
"What's bothering you?" He looked at her waiting for an answer, only she stayed quiet. There was so much he wanted to tell her, how mush he wants her to be his. How much she's on his mind every day, that he just wants to be with her every second of his life. How when she's upset he just wants to hug her and tell her that he will make everything ok for her... Ever since they met he couldn't stop thinking about her, he loves her and wants her to know it. But he just couldn't tell her, not with what's going on.
"Trust me Page, you'll be alright as long as I'm here, ok." She smile at his words and let go of his hand. Greg started the car and they began to drive. The sun soon was at its highest and the morning became noon. Page and Greg were both quiet, both lost in thoughts.
Page wondered how her friends were doing, where was Robert? And what was he doing. Was going with Greg the right thing to do then? Page did have feelings for Greg, but she didn't think he did. Even if he did, what would she say? She also didn't want to put him in danger with Robert. A relationship wasn't what she needed right least she didn't think it was.

Greg was also struggling with his own thoughts. What would he tell the others? What would they think of him taking Page and just leaving them with a killer on the loose. What would he tell Page? What about Sean back at the hotel. If the others weren't around he would of punched Sean in the face for ever hurting Page. He wanted to keep Her safe from Robert, but what would he do? Was going back a good idea? Or is running away better for them.
Seeing Page and Sean fighting was horrible. "Greg?.." Seeing her in tears and Sean yelling at her in the hall. How could he let this happen. Couldn't he of stopped Robert if he really wanted too.
"Greg?!." It's not like Robert is tough or anything, he's just a 18 year old guy. Why wasn't anyone hunting him down and arresting him.
     "GREG LOOK OUT!!!!!" Greg snapped out of his thoughts and looked where Page was pointing. Suddenly everything went black.

There was a ringing sound that could be heard. As smoke and fire were closing in on the big white truck. Page was lucky to be alive, but all she could remember was yelling Greg's name. When he finally looked at what she was pointing at it was already to late. Someone had crashed into them as they were driving. Page had opened her eyes and she felt sour and unable to move. She has been laying in the glass of  the window and was in a pool of her own blood. The truck was smoking and her head was pounding and it was hard to think. She did her best to stay awake and looked to her sides. The truck had been tipped over and sparks flew around her. She soon remembered that she wasn't alone and did her best and rollover onto her belly. She caught sight of Greg and crawled over to him. She felt the glass dig into her legs and her body as she made her way over to him. But that didn't stop her.

"Greg!! Please come on we need to leave before the car goes up in flames!!" She shook him as hard as she could,but he didn't move.  With that she grabbed his arm and did her best to pull him. With her head ringing and not being able to move as fast as she wanted she got him out in a matter of minutes. Once she got out of the car she stood up, but soon fell cause of the pain in her left leg. It didn't matter to her. She got up anyway and dragged Greg away from the flaming truck. She got to a nearby  tree and leg go of him. She crawled over to him and began to shake him.
"Greg! Come on now wake up." He still didn't move. She put her head down over his chest and tried to listen for a heartbeat. But footsteps soon stopped her. She looked behind her and saw a man walking to her.

It was the one who started the crash and rammed into them. Robert had once again found her, only this time was different. He had injured Greg to get to her, and that wasn't going to stand with her. Page stood up and began to walked over to him. As Robert caught sight of her he soon stopped. Determination filled her eyes as she met up with his.

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