Take Me Away

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Sean's Pow
After Skylar pulled that stunt on me I lost it. "Skylar I want you to stay away from me." She then started to cry, and ran back into the house. I pounded my hand on the wood. I was to hard on her. I looked at my hand and saw I was bleeding. I went inside and saw that Bri, Leo,Naisha and Skylar were sitting on the couch watching TV. "How could you watch tv when Page could be dieing in the hospital." I shouted Leo go up and yelled back. " Sean what do you want us to do!" I got so mad I snapped. " I want you to get off your asses and do something." Then out of nowhere Leo punched me in the face. My body went numb and I went falling. It took me a moment to get up but then Skylar helped me up. I was going to say thanks but Skylar then punched me in the eye. It took me 2 minutes to get up. I then went to the door, opened it then slammed it shut as I left. I went on my phone and called the hospital. I asked for Page's doctor. He told me I could see her now. I hung up and started to walk there.
It took about 20 minutes to get there but it was worth it. I enter the building and asked for Page's room. "The room number is 45 and sir are you ok?" The nurse asked me. I was confused on why she asked me if I'm alright. The I remember that I have a black eye and my left hand was soaked in blood. "Could I have something for my hand please?" I asked her with a smile as I showed her my hand. "Oh my god of course!" She rapped my hand with a long bandaid. I took the elevator to her room. When I saw he I nearly collapsed. She looked like she was in so much pain. He waste was rapped in bandaid.( the long white stuff. Sorry I can't think of the real name XD) "Page it's me Sean, how ya feeling?"

Hopefully you liked this chapter. Sorry it took so long to write. Well make sure to Punch the Vote button in the Face Like a Boss!!!! See you in the next chapter!!!!

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