24~ I hate you I love you

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A/N I am so so so sorry about not updating!! I know I said I would last year but I've been really busy and I know that sounds like an excuse but school has been stressful and I half lost my motivation to write this. Plus the person I was role-playing with for this story stopped replying so.....yeah.
I still read all your comments even if I don't reply I still read them and love them.
Tbh you guys are hilarious and I love all of you!!
Please don't hate me for this chapter. There is like a half rape scene but I'll warn you.

Jack whined in pain as tears threaten to fall.
"It's alright baby..." Mark kissed his forehead, "It's fine..."
Jack slowly nodded as Mark stroked his hair, "Deep breaths..."Jack soon passed out because from the pain and exhaustion.

Mark sighed shakily, "Oh my poor baby." He mumbled. He stayed by Jack's side the whole time, eventually pulling the covers up to his shoulders and turning off the lights. Jack cuddled close to Mark embracing the heat he gave off. Mark stroked his cheek, smiling warmly.

Mark hummed softly as he watched him. He soon started softly rubbing his back. After a few hours Jack woke up and let out a small groan. Mark turned on the lamp beside his bed, holding Jack close.
"M-mark?" Jack asked slowly opening his eyes.
"Yes baby?" Mark smiled at him. Jack smiled back and buried his face in the male's chest. Mark chuckled and kissed his forehead, "How are you feeling?"
"Could be better but ya know" Jack shrugged then winced slightly. Mark nodded, "Well, stay in bed for now then" He said, gently stroking his hair, "I'll order something for us.... Pizza?"
"Yum!" Jack smiled softly. Mark grinned, sitting up as he pulled out his phone, "Alright, want to watch a movie or something?"
"Mhm." Jack nodded with a small yawn. Mark nodded, turning on the tv as he called. Jack pulled the blankets around himself as he watched what Mark put on. After ordering, Mark laid back down and held Jack close to his side. Jack smiled and cuddled into Mark. He pecked the top of Jack's head causing a giggle to erupt from the small neko.

Only resulting in Mark holding him tighter.
Jack smiled and happily cuddled with him. Mark sighed softly and quietly watched the TV.
"Thank you" Jack whispered. "For everything"
"I didn't do that much." Mark smiled.
"I know." Jack chuckled and kissed his cheek. He laid his head back down on Marks chest and relaxed.
"So.. That's gonna happen each month?"
"Not every month."
Mark hummed and nodded, "I thought only the females went through heat?"

Jack blushed. "Well pure breds can too they um..."
"What?" Mark smiled, trying to sound reassuring.
"They sometimes are bothgendersorhavepartsoftheother" Jack said quickly and quietly. Mark blinked, "...oh"
He nodded slowly, "Does that mean you can, like.. Get pregnant?"
Jack nodded slowly and looked down at his lap. Mark's eyes widened, "Fuck- why didn't you tell me?!"

Jack shrunk in on himself slightly. "I didn't know you wanted to know." He whispered. Mark slapped his forehead, "We've been having unprotected sex"
"Mark I'm not pregnant" Jack said quietly this voice shaking slightly. Mark sighed heavily, "I know- we'll need to be careful now though"
Jack nodded. Mark shook his head, "Well..."
"I'm sorry" Jack whispered. Mark covered his mouth forehead with his hand and looked away. Jack sat up and kissed his nose as an apology. Mark quickly swatted his hand off his forehead to say something, the back of it slapping Jack's cheek roughly. Jack sat in shock holding his cheek that was slowly bruising as tears threaten to fall.

Mark noticed he hit something and glanced at Jack. Jack didn't notice the tears falling as he backed away from Mark, stilling holding his cheek. Mark gasped reaching to Jack, "Oh crap-"
Jack watched Mark with fearful eyes as he backed away with another step, getting off the bed.

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