26~ "I won't let you go."

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Recap of the story so far:

Jack, a Neko, escapes from his abusive owners and ends up in Mark's, a famous actor, yard. Mark finds him and decides to take care of the injured boy. As Jack heals both mentally and physically a relationship begins. Jack is quick to fall while Mark is unwilling to admit his love. As their relationship blooms they have their fights but solve them together. In the last chapter Mark discovers Jack is a purebred Neko so he has both genders and the ability to get pregnant. He becomes overcome with the anger of not knowing and forces Jack to please him. After the sad event Mark promises to make it up to Jack and thus we start a new day.

{     Little need to knows:
Jack has three forms -
1. A small kitten with light brown fur (he turns into this form every three months during his heat)
2. His regular form. A small skinny build with cat ears and a tail (his ears and tail are very sensitive, this is the only form he can get pregnant in)
3. His fully human form. Very similar to his regular form but without the cat features and slightly taller and bigger build.
Also Jack likes to wear dresses occasionally, he finds them fun and flowy. He mostly wears them in the summer.      }


     Mark laid awake with the sleeping Neko in his arms for what felt like hours. Jack had cried himself to sleep while thinking about what had happened the night before. Mark was afraid that this would cause Jack to relapse and become the shy, obedient and abused boy he started as.
     Jack whined softly as he started to wake up causing Mark to push his thoughts aside and focus on fixing his wrongs. Jack rubbed his fists against his eyes as he yawned. Mark smiled softly at how cute the boy looked. "Good morning Jack."
"M-Morning." Jack managed through another yawn. He slowly sat up as he opened his eyes and looked around.
"Did you sleep well?" Mark asked as he sat up as well.
"Hmm." Jack mumbled in response. 

     Mark frowned softly, "well how about you shower while I make breakfast? Or you could take a bubble bath." He offered as he got out of bed.
"Oh a bubble bath sounds nice." Jack smiled. He climbed out of bed and walked to the bathroom. He started the water, making sure it was steaming before adding a ton of bubbles. Jack giggled as he watched more and more bubbles form. Mark leaned against the door frame, watching him with a soft smile. He left before Jack saw him, making his way down to the kitchen. He decided to make pancakes with sprinkles in them. Mark pulled out all the ingredients and started on the batter.

     Meanwhile, Jack grabbed a change of clothes as the bath filled. Once it was ready he turned of the water and removed his clothing. He tossed his dirty clothes into the laundry basket before stepping into the bubble bath. Jack sat down in the bath with a happy sigh. He leaned back as he closed his eyes, enjoying the warmth of the water.
    Mark pulled out a tray and started to set it up so he could bring Jack breakfast. He poured Jack a glass of apple juice and had a cup of coffee for himself. As the pancakes cooked Mark decided to go to his garden and pick a couple flowers to give to Jack. Once he was back he put the flowers in a vase and the pancakes onto a plate. He cooked up some sausage links as well. Once everything was ready and on the tray he carried it up to the bedroom.

     "Jack. Baby, breakfast is ready?" He called as he stepped into the bathroom. Jack opened his eyes and looked over at Mark.
"Mmm it smells good." Jack hummed as he sat up, looking over at him. Mark set the tray on the counter and pulled a small stool over next to the bathtub. He picked up the tray and set it on the stool before sitting next to it.
"I hope you like it." Mark smiled.
     Jack grabbed a fork and picked up a sausage link. "I know I will you're a great cook." He hummed as he ate. Mark nodded and grabbed his coffee.
"I have an idea of what we could do today." Mark spoke before taking another sip.
"Oh, what's that?" Jack asked as he tried to cut up a pancake.
"I was thinking we could go to an amusement park." Mark answered as he helped Jack.
     Jack's eyes widened as he looked over at Mark. "What's an amusement park?" He asked.

     Mark smiled, "it's a big park with tons of roller coasters." He explained. "Roller coasters are rides that are really big and long that twist and turn you around. Sometimes, they go in loops so you end up upside down."
     Jack's eyes lit up as he listened to Mark explain what they were doing today.
"That sounds like so much fun!"
"It is." Mark nodded, "we can go after you finish your bath and breakfast."
     Jack nodded super fast before scarfing down his breakfast. He pushed the stopper so the tub started to drain as he climbed out of the tub. He quickly dried off before pulling on the clothes he grabbed. Jack wore a white long sleeve shirt with red stripes and a pair of short overalls. He grabbed some of the makeup he found which were from a variety of movies Mark had done and started to apply some.

     Mark chuckled as he watched the excited Jack get ready. He carefully stood up and carried the tray down to the kitchen. He put the leftovers away before putting the dishes in the dishwasher. He washed his hands before going back to the bedroom. Mark walked into the closet and changed into a pair of jeans and a black t-shirt. He pulled on a beanie before leaving the closet.
     Jack was sitting on the bed trying to tie his sneakers. Mark smiled and walked over to help him.
"Here watch me." He said as he taught Jack how to tie his shoes. After they were both ready to go, Mark grabbed his car keys and they got in the car. Jack buckled his seatbelt before turning on the radio. He flipped through stations as Mark buckled and started to drive towards the amusement park.


     Jack gasped when he saw the park. He squealed in delight as he bounced with excitement. The only thing holding him back from running up to the entrance was Mark holding his hand. Mark smiled at the excited boy, "I knew you would like it."
    The two walked towards the entrance and waited in line for their tickets. When it was their turn, Mark bought their tickets and they entered the park. Jack stared wide eyed at all the rides as Mark looked at the map.
"We should probably start with a smaller, gentler ride because you've never been on a roller coaster before." Mark said as he turned to look at Jack.
     Jack smiled, "let's go!" He yelled as he jumped up and down. Mark laughed and lead him through the park. After the first few rides Jack was getting more and more excited for the bigger rides.

     Finally after what felt like forever to Jack, they stood in front of the biggest coaster. Mark looked over at Jack.
     Jack sprinted into the line to wait their turn. Mark managed to keep up with him. Once they were seated on the ride, Jack was buzzing with excitement.
"This is going to be so much fun!" Jack yelled. A couple people turned to look at them before looking away.
"Calm down baby." Mark smiled at him. He didn't want people to recognize who he was because then he would be swamped with fans and not be able to hang out with Jack.

     The ride started as they crept up a huge incline. Jack grabbed Mark's hand and squeezed it as he saw the steep drop.
"I don't know about this Mark." He moved closer to the male's side. Mark squeezed Jack's hand, "don't worry I won't let you go." He whispered right before they dropped. Jack screamed and buried himself into Mark's side. Mark laughed and held Jack close.
     When the ride was over, Jack stepped off uneasily. Mark wrapped his arm around the boys waist. "How about we take a break for lunch?" Jack nodded and leaned against Mark as they walked to the plaza where the cafe and food trucks were.
    After lunch they went on a few more rides before deciding to leave. Mark had gotten recognized a few times but managed to keep a low profile. He made sure Jack was having fun the whole day and tried to focus on him as much as possible.


     When they made it home Jack collapsed on the couch. "Wow, that was fun." He smiled happily. Mark came and sat down next to him. "I'm glad you had fun today." He said as he placed a kiss to Jack's temple.
     Jack curled into Mark's side with a yawn. He hummed in response as he closed his eyes. Mark picked Jack up in his arms and carried him upstairs. He laid Jack on the bed and helped him change before stripping down to his boxers. Mark crawled into bed next to Jack and turned out the light.

I love you Jack. Forever and Always. "

(    I'm really sorry it took this long to post a chapter. I'm trying to get back into writing and I'm hoping this will help. I can't promise another update but I am going to try my best.
As always I love you guys and thank you for staying with this book for this long!!!
Stay safe and healthy!!   )

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: May 31, 2020 ⏰

Idagdag ang kuwentong ito sa iyong Library para ma-notify tungkol sa mga bagong parte!

Septiplier Neko!jackTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon