Part 2

159 8 5

2 years prior

 Jungkook's backpack was slung over his shoulder, weighed down with textbooks and spiral notebooks. He was making his usual rounds through the hallways, currently he was trying to make his way to History. The route was rather long and his destination was located at the other side of the building. Nearly everyday he grumbled about how students only had five minutes to get to class. With a school filled with over 3,000 sleep-deprived teens, it was quite a task to do practically anything. Many of the people around Jungkook moved like a migrating tree, and he always managed to be stuck behind one of them. Even though Jungkook was well built for his age of seventeen, it was still a chore to make his way through the sea of people. He didn't like to push people and he didn't like people pushing him, so he was at a loss. This normally resulted in him being late to class.

 But today he had to be on time. His teacher had been lenient before but something must have happened over winter break that rubbed him the wrong way. He told Jungkook that if he was late to class again he would begin writing him up for it. Jungkook knew that eventually his teacher would get over it, but for the next couple weeks he would need to rush through the hallways. He was already set back after his Language teacher held him after class and didn't write him a pass for it.

 Screw it. He thought, and began to recklessly weave his way through the swarm.

 As his shoulder bumped and brushed other students, the hair on the back of his neck began to stand on end. He stopped moving and looked up at the fluorescent lights. One blinked off, then another, and another. The lights continued to turn off until darkness consumed the building. The dark figures around him stilled and then lengthened. Jungkook's breathing quickened and he slowly rose his hands to his face as if he was to hide from the dark forest his was entrapped in. His knees weakened and his body fell to the ground. For a moment he sat there, feeling his panicked heart rate.

 No, no, no... Not again. Was the last rational thought that got through his whirling mind. Invisible forces began to trip over him and bump the books that were kicked out of his backpack. He slowly opened his eyes to see the darkness that enveloped him, but in the distance he saw something flicker. A singular figure in the sea of black. And it was getting nearer and nearer. Jungkook sat there and tears started to overflow.

 "Get away from me," he screamed at the figure. Suddenly the kicks and the bumps stopped but the figure grew closer and closer. It moved until it was a few feet away from him, then it stopped and stared. Wind began to billow through the tree-like forms in a circle around him. The figure that watched him deepened into a deep red, an evil shade.

 "Don't touch me!" Jungkook screamed again. But the figure began to deepen more and swell until it was a black growth looming over him.

 Out of sheer terror, Jungkook lunged. He flung himself at the beast and they both fell over, Jungkook holding the other down. He began to claw and hit the flesh of the beast until the black trees reached out and forcefully pulled Jungkook off.

 Jungkook thrashed around as his feet were drug along the scratchy floor of the forest. The figure softened back into a pale glow as it got more and more distant. Eventually all light disappeared and Jungkook was enveloped in complete darkness once again.


 "I am sorry to inform you that your child, Jeon Jungkook, will need to be placed in our special care until he recovers," the man in the white coat said.

 "I don't understand what is going on," Jungkook's mother sobbed, as she wiped tears from her cheeks.

 "As you know, your son brutally attacked one of his classmates whilst walking in the hallway. We were able to deduce that it definitely wasn't intentional but rather the end product of a complicated physiological disturbance," the doctor paused, "after studies on his brain were completed we can say that he was suffering from a strong hallucination as a result of schizophrenia."

 The parents were in shock. Not their son.

 "Is he going to be okay? Is there anything you can do?" Jungkook's father pressed the doctor. After a heavy sigh the doctor assured them that everyone was doing the best they could. The three sat there in the office for a few minutes more before the parents got up and left the room. And as they did, they left behind the hope of ever knowing their son again. 

. . . 

 I am so, so, so sorry that I haven't updated this in like, forever. I could come up with a million excuses but it's not going to change anything 

 I hope you liked this update and that it wasn't too hard to understand... and as always I love hearing what you have to say. What do you like or dislike about the story, where do you think this will go? I look forward to updating soon and often (hopefully). Thanks again for reading! <3

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Mar 21, 2018 ⏰

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