Part 1

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 "Excuse me," a lady in a pressed, white nurse uniform came into the room where the set of parents sat. "You are the guardians of patient..." she looked at the clipboard she held. Her hands shook just slightly and it was clear that she was new on the job. Anyone working in a psychiatric ward would be terrified for a couple weeks.

 "We are Jungkook's parents," the mother stood up, rather quickly. Her hair was pulling away from the messy bun atop her head and her wrinkled blouse matched perfectly with her creased trousers.

 "Jeon Jungkook," the father reemphasized. His hair matched that of his wife's, but his clothes were not wrinkled, rather marked with fold lines. Both of the parents were rather thrown together at the wee hour of two in the morning.

 "He's nineteen, about this tall," the ragged lady threw up her hands frantically, marking the height of her son. The nurse looked on her with nervousness and pleaded silently for some kind of help. The father soon caught on and started hushing his wife. "I'm sorry.' He mouthed to the nurse who mouthed 'It's okay.' back.

 "If you could follow me back here," the nurse motioned to the door from which she came. The pair followed her directions and the three were walking down the darkened pathways of the ward. One smell of the place and anyone could taste fear and decay. Muffled screams and pounds came from a set of padded rooms to the left, blocked from view.

 "As you may already know," the nurse started, "there have been some sudden... aggressive changes to your son's behaviour." The mother nodded vigorously. "We called you in as soon as we found out, and because of your fast arrival, you may be able to see what we were talking about."

 The small group entered a crisp room reflecting the style of the nurse's uniform. Stepping away from the parents, she proceeded to tap some buttons on the desk in front of them. The screen above the desk lit up and showed different sets of cameras. A few more buttons were pressed and the screen zoomed in on camera 623.

 Jungkook's mother gasped and covered her mouth as the sounds of her son's screams filled the room. He was clawing at his neck, battered and bruised, drenched in sweat. His dark bangs stuck to his forehead and his shirt was ripped at the collar.

 A few minutes passed by before the parents could speak again.

 "Why," is all the father could utter out.

 "We... don't know."

 "WHY!" the mother screamed through tears, "what happened to my baby boy?" She fell weak in her husband's arms.

 The nurse let down her head slightly before informing them that their son's behavior wasn't something they were expecting. It happened so fast and so violently that they couldn't administer a drug, put on a straight jacket, or even attempt to calm him down.

 After that everyone stopped talking. The parents fell silent as they watched their child beat at the air and himself. The only decipherable thing from Jungkook's jumbled words was a name. Neither of the parents recognized it and the nurse swore that he had never said it before that night. He screamed it over and over, pleading whoever it was to stop.

 The name was Yoongi.

. . . 

I ended up starting my second story (wahooo), "BTS X PURGE" will be updated soon but I needed a small break before continuing with it. I hope that you like this new story, it has been taking up my mind for the past two days. 

Video Credit : ZOBOO 

"can you heal me?"Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora