My Dark Lover Chapter 14

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Alexa's P.O.V.

After Jake took me downstairs he says, "Alright, now I shouldn't be out for too long." I nod my head and say, "Okay." Jake heads upstairs and he says, "When I get back I want you to tell me how you broke your wrist." I look down at my wrist; shit, I completely forgot about it. I sit on the couch and I began to play with the cast that wrapped around my wrist. Two hours past and I was still playing with the cast when I heard the door being opened. I looked up at the door and I see Jake sticking his head out and he says, "You can come up now."

I stand up and make my way upstairs and Jake says, "Let's go into the kitchen to talk." We head into the kitchen and when we sit down Jake says, "How did you break your wrist?" I look down at my wrist and whisper, "Ryan broke it." I look up at Jake and he says, "Does it hurt?" I shake my head and I say, "No it doesn't." Jake nods his head and he says, "I thought about something on my way here, I don't want revenge on Ryan instead I want to be friends with him again." I smile at that and say, "That's good."

Jake nods his head and he says, "Which is why I'm going to let you go." My eyes got big as I say, "Thank you, but why are you letting me go?" Jake looks at the table and then back up at me and he says, "Because, you need to be with Ryan and you need to tell him everything." I smile as I began to think about Ryan and seeing him again and Jake says, "I will take you to the hospital tomorrow, alright?" I nod my head and Jake says, "Do you want to bring your clothes with you?" I shake my head and say, "Instead could you put them in a box and ship them to my house?" Jake nods his head, grabs his notebook and he hands it to me and he says, "Write down your information." I grab the notebook and then Jake hands me a pen and I begin to write down my info. After I was done I hand both things back to Jake and he says, "As soon as you're at the hospital I'll begin to send your things alright?" I nod my head and Jake says, "You know what? I'll go ahead and get those boxes now." I was sure that Jake was going to put me back in the basement and then he says, "Let's go to your guest room alright?"

I stand up and walk with him to the room and I say, "Why are you having me stay in here instead of..." Jake puts a finger up to his mouth signaling for me to be quiet and he says, "It's going to be your last actual day here, I thought..." Now it was my turn to make him be quiet, I had taken my finger up to his mouth and I say, "I get it, thank you." We arrived in the room and Jake says, "Alright, I'll be back soon." I nod my head and Jake leaves after I hear the front door close, I walk over to the door to see if it was locked and it was. I head over to the television, sit down in front of it and I begin to flip through the channels. I settled on watching a movie that was playing on the television and I found out that the movie is called, 'Black Dog.'

By the time the movie finished I hear the front door close so I knew Jake was back. A few minutes later the door opens and I see Jake and he says, "Ready for lunch?" I nod my head and I stand up after turning the television off and then I follow Jake to the kitchen. Along the way I see five boxes stacked up on each other and I say, "Do you really need five boxes?" Jake looks at the boxes and he says, "I was hoping I wouldn't need all of them but it's better to be prepared." I can agree with that and when we arrived in the kitchen Jake says, "Okay, sit down and I'll make you some food." I sat down in a chair and wait for my food.

After Jake made my food, I ate it pretty quickly and I told Jake that I was going into the guest room to take a nap. As soon as my head hit the pillow I was fast asleep. I woke up to somebody shaking me and after my eyes opened I see Jake and I say, "How long have I been asleep?" Jake pulls something out of his pocket and I see that it's a phone and he checks the time and he says, "You've been asleep for five hours, are you hungry?" I nod my head and say, "Is that my phone?" Jake hands me my phone and he says, "I put my number in there." I take my phone and say, "Thanks." Jake helps me off the bed and we head into the kitchen again. After Jake fed me he heads into my guest room and he says, "Why don't you come in here and pick out your last outfit so I can put everything else in boxes." I get up and pick out my outfit and Jake says, "I think you should go to bed now so your fully rested."

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