My Dark Lover Chapter 5

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Alexa's P.O.V.

I smile when Ryan says 'our place,' and then I say, "Good, I want to leave soon." Somebody knocks on the door so I get off Ryan's lap and when I open up the door, Ivan's there and he says, "Why do you want to leave?" I look at Ivan, shock in my eyes and say, "I... uh..." I see Ivan make a gesture that says to continue and he says, "You don't want to be here?" I shake my head furiously and say, "I like being here it's just..." Ivan puts his hand up and he says, "I'm kidding; Ryan I need to talk to you alone." Ryan wraps his arms around me and he kisses my cheek gently and he says, "I'll be back soon."

I nod my head slowly not wanting him to leave and Ryan says, "I'll let Cody stay here until I get back." Right after he says that Cody comes out of nowhere and he says, "Really? You want me to watch your mate?" Ryan glares at Cody and he says, "It won't be too long." Ryan and Ivan leave and Cody says to me, "I was kidding, I wanted to talk to you alone." I nod my head, point at the bed and then we both sit on it and Cody says, "How are you?" I look at him weird and he says, "I just want to forget that I was a dick to you and start over but I'm hoping that you'll forget too." I smile at him and say, "I've already forgotten about it and to answer your first question, my wrist is hurting." Cody gets off the bed and he says, "Follow me please."

I get off the bed and follow Cody out of the room and I say, "Where are we going?" Cody doesn't answer me and then we arrived in a different room and Cody says, "Sit." I sit on the bed and say, "Whose room is this?" Cody points to himself and he says, "My room." After he says that he grabs a bag and begins digging in it and then he pulls out a small box. He tosses it to me and then somebody else catches it and it was Ryan and he says, "What the fuck are you doing with my mate?" I stand up walk over to Ryan and I see that the box said, 'Pain Reliever' and I say, "Cody got me those pills for my wrist." Ryan turns to look at me and he says, "But that doesn't mean that Cody can take you out of my room without me."

Just as I was about to say something a voice says, "Ryan, knock it off, you are too controlling and sooner or later Alexa will not want to be near you anymore." I turn to face the voice and I see that it's Ivan and Ryan says, "Dad, stay out of my life and stop telling me what to do with my mate." Ryan turns around to face Ivan and he says, "What? You're not saying anything else?" Ivan growls at Ryan and he says, "Ryan, come back with me now." Ryan points at Cody and he says, "Give my mate pain pills and then takes her back into my room before I get back." Ryan tosses the small box back at Cody and he turns to face me and gives me a quick kiss on the cheek. Ryan follows Ivan out the door and then Cody opens up the box and takes two pills out and he takes me into the kitchen to get me a glass of water.

After I take the water I swallow the pills and water both and then Cody and I make our way back to Ryan's room hopefully before he gets back. When we arrived in Ryan's room he wasn't back so Cody sits down on the bed with me and we wait for Ryan to come back. Ryan comes back an hour later and he says to Cody, "Out." After he says that he points at the door and once Cody leaves, Ryan says, "Were leaving." I look at Ryan with shock written on my face and I say, "Why?" Ryan gives me a glare that says, 'Don't ask' and he says, "Look, I just want to get out of here, my dad has pissed me off big time." I stand up not wanting to piss him off and we head out.

Right when we arrived at the front door Ivan calls out, "Wait!" When we stop in front of the door Ivan says, "At least allow me to hug Alexa before you leave." I look at Ryan and I see that he's nodding his head so I walk up to Ivan and he hugs me gently. After he gets done hugging me Ivan says to Ryan, "I hope you can calm down long enough for us to talk again." I look at Ryan as he says, "Dad, I'll call you when I'm cooled off, is that alright with you?" I look back at Ivan and he nods his head and he says, "Thanks son, Alexa I hope to talk to you soon." I nod my head eagerly and say, "I hope so too." After that Ryan and I head out the door and into his car. Ryan opens up the door for me and once he gets in too we drive off heading back home. 

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