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Hello! It's dusky with a y as in y am I doing this?

So I guess I will update on my life to those who aren't on my discord server since the last real update was over a month ago.

I've been doing okay, typical teenager stuff. High school succs, I can't English or grammar good, I'm not editing this.

I'm watching the people around me become desperate for a relationship and it's great ;)

Had to deal with a stupid guy a few people know about last semester.

This chapter is all over the place.

Here are some screenshots from discord to entertain.

I married Featherfrost_ and MysteriousCurl together against their will not to long ago and now they are a happy couple

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I married Featherfrost_ and MysteriousCurl together against their will not to long ago and now they are a happy couple.

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More happy screenshots from the wedding

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More happy screenshots from the wedding.

More happy screenshots from the wedding

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Dab on those haters

Dab on those haters

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Thanks Olivia and Hazel for that British vocabulary

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Thanks Olivia and Hazel for that British vocabulary

I am the pickup line master, I think everyone on discord knows that.

I am the pickup line master, I think everyone on discord knows that

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