Swimming + Question

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If you guys did not know already, I am on a swim team. It goes Monday-Saturday which is super tiring at times. But tomorrow I get to skip my swim practice (I'm writing this on a Friday for anyone in the future) for a swim meet.

Yayyyyyyyyyyy no. 

Meets I have to say are super tiring and what makes it even worse is that the meet is a short course.

If you don't know the difference between a short course and long course, the short course is 25M across when a long course is 50M across. You learn something new every day.

Anyway I'm swimming a 100 freestyle (4 laps) a 100 breaststroke (4 laps) a 200 medley (every stroke|8 laps) and a 500 freestyle (20 laps). Note, no one on my team gets to choose the events they swim, that's all my coach.

To be completely honest I am not looking forward to that 500 free because from what I know from my swim practice it drains the living soul out of you... not that I had one but you know what I mean, hopefully. 

My friends who have already done it said it's not that bad but I still hate long distance stuff regardless.

So that's life for me now to the question and little bit of self-advertising. I guess I hadn't already said it enough, CatsofScience is hiring new admins. If you guys want to work with me and a few of the CloudtailGrandma admins, I suggest you go fill out a form. The form is in their bio and on their message board. 

Finally on to the question: If I were to create a roleplay, like any roleplay, what would you guys want to see? Warriors, dogs, wolves, foxes, humans, anything you can think of. 

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