The People Who I Love

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So I have been on wattpad for a little while now (about 2 years) and I thought it would explain my journey on it and boy was it a wild one.

I started out in 2014 later in the year when that whole craze of "Name The Apprentice" was going on. I had loved playing those games and made one myself. (I got lazy and deleted it :P).

A few months later I had became friends with a few people and one of them introduced me into roleplaying. Believe me when I say this, I was hooked. Like I talked about last chapter it took me away from the reality of the world we live in and set me into a whole new one.

I guess I aspired to make my own roleplay but I can't remember what it was. During this time I was writing a book. It's very cringeworthy and it was deleted.

As I roleplayed I had met one of my best friends AnimalLover71 (the nicest person ever) who I miss so much (please come back friend) As she made roleplays I had met some other people who I will now list and give honers to:

Alpha_Horsey We have had our differences I am happy to call you my fam any day.

_FeatherMore_ Although I am not 100% we met in one of Animal's roleplays but I think we did. I had started to bond with you over my animal lab roleplay and in other roleplays as well and I think you are really cool.

PrincessSilverDawn I remember where we met and bonded. It was in Animal's warrior cat roleplay with Tip and Foreverpaw. I'm happy I met you friend.

OliviaBinfield Again I'm not sure it was Animal's roleplay but I think it was. I used to think of you much differently then I do now. I thought of you as professional and nice. I may still think of you like that sometimes but I also know the other part of you which is funny, crazy, and kind.

geekygirl188 Now we may not have met on Animal's roleplay but on Horsey's roleplay. We may not have been the best of friends in the past but as I got to know you I am very happy I am now your friend.

sprinkle47 Again I don't know exactly where we met but I think you are such a kind person.

1ShadowWolf1 Like Geeky I met you in Horsey's roleplay and as I got to know you through discord I think you are an awesome person.

KirinYumi I am not entirely sure where I met you but it was in a roleplay. I think you are an awesome person and I love talking to you!

Around the same time I had my Name the kit and apprentice book I was confronted by WhisperSpirit for copying. We ended up sorting it out and became great friends in the process. She is very nice even after her past I still consider her my friend.

When summer rolled around she had mentioned to me she was going to make a joint account soon to be called CatsofScience with her friend from CloudtailGrandmas. She wanted to know if I wanted to join and I said of course.

I ended up making the account and I met so many great people there.

awesomesauceoreos (Rio) Of course you get to be first on this list wifey. When I first joined I guess I wasn't the person I am now. You helped me change so much in a good way. As I got to know you I learned you are such a nice and caring person and I'm proud to call you my wifey for lifey.

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