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Genin exam submission by _otaku_chan lel
(Has some gore but like nothing that descriptive so)

The soap cascaded down my unhealthy pale skin, stopping only at the painful ridges. I refused to look at them, even when the soap made them sting. Each one only caused a flood of unwanted memories at the sight.

My short, unkempt blonde hair, my wide, psychotic eyes, and not to mention the scars on my body all served as a reminder. I deserved to be in this hellhole. And for the love of God, did I hate it here. But I knew I would never be accepted out there. It made me wonder where he was. Probably dead in a ditch somewhere. The thought made me smile.

The water suddenly turned cold. In the middle of this winter season, I hardly noticed. It always turned cold sooner or later, even in the summer. The warm water stored in the ancient pipes just depleted faster when the weather was cold. In the summer, I spent hours under the soothing water, even after it caused the all too familiar goosebumps to rise on my flesh.

The water washing over my body was the only thing that made me believe that the monster inside of me was gone, was being rinsed away with the bloodstains that I see on my clothes even though they don't exist anymore.

Whenever I looked in the mirror, I saw a flash of the beast who I was told I became. That thing, the reason I am stuck in this abyss of damp cells and broken— what did they call us? Jinchuuriki?—, is the only thing that keeps me from killing myself with the knives in the kitchen. How easy it would be to reach under the glass and grab one, how long it would take me to plunge it into my heart before the endless security caught me, I do not know.

But as long as that thing inside of me is alive, I could not kill myself. I had to get it out, put that thing in this infinite hell instead of me.

The soap was long gone from my thin, shivering body, but I stayed in the now cold bathroom. My head was tilted so that the water flowed down my forehead and down my face. I could feel each drop fall from my long lashes. It wasn't long before I became confused, just like I always did. However long I spent standing there, trying to distinguish my tears from the water dripping from my face, I can't tell. Eventually, they came in to get me, and I smiled. The one form of entertainment in this God foresaken pit was annoying the wardens. At least, it was for me. Unlike the others, I don't have a toy. It makes me resent them. On my bad days, I've tried to kill them. Unfortunately, it only leads to more scars. I never seem to learn.

Tsunade stood in the doorway of the cramped room as I threw back the curtain, singing my beautiful cover of what so like to call my death song. I chose this one because is seemed to annoy her the most, and I was in a dangerous mood today.

"I hope you die... I really wish.. you would just drop dead and die..."

The warden only scowled, her otherwise pretty features turning to form a look of pure disgust. My smile only grew bigger as I grabbed my ratty clothes.

"Pleeease... fucking... diii—"

One of her goons, the one with the mask covering all but one eye, entered the room with a snap of Tsunade's fingers and grabbed me by the throat. He lifted me off of the floor, cutting my song short. I laughed, a broken, purely psychotic laugh. This was the most fun I've had in a while. My fractured mind allowed me many ways to have fun. But, when I had finally found one I liked, they took the knife away. I resented them ever since.

With another snap of her fingers, Tsunade commanded her little servant to let go of me. My head hit the side of the tub, but pain was only a means of escape at this point. Such a method of hurting myself interested me. If they weren't going to give back my favorite knife, I could probably do equal damage with just the bathtub as a tool. But it wasn't as fun, which made me sad.

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