Pure White

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It was pure, like a white heaven.

However, it wasn't always this way. It could be too bitterly cold and upsetting sometimes.

Sasuke was walking the cold streets of Konoha, hands stuffed in his pockets and kicking any pebbles in his way. A navy scarf was covering his mouth and he was looking at the ground.

Sasuke couldn't see winter like everyone else. He couldn't enjoy play time in the snow, or warm ramen.

No, it reminded him too much of himself. It was cold, bitter. He hated being reminded of it. But his brain wouldn't let him forget.

"There's no value in killing the likes of you.... Foolish little brother. If you wish to kill me, then hate me, detest me, curse me. Run. Run and cling onto your pathetic life!"

He kicked another pebble, harder this time out of frustration.

"Stupid brother. Stupid me for remembering." Sasuke muttered to himself as he continued to walk home. "If only -- oof" He couldn't finish his sentence, before someone bumped into him.

"Hey, watch it!" Sasuke yelled at the stranger.

"Sorry teme!" The stranger shouted in reply.

"Naruto?" Sasuke thought as he looked up to see the blonde boy looking down in front of him, grinning. Naruto gave Sasuke a hand, in which he gladly took.

"How can he smile for so long? I'm envious." he thought.

Once Sasuke was up, he dusted himself off and thanked Naruto.

"No problem, teme!" Naruto said, the grin never wiping off his face.

Xx At Sasuke's House xX

"Bye Dobe." Sasuke said ad he waved and began to close to door.

"Wait!" Naruto exclaimed as he stopped the door with his foot. Sasuke raised an eyebrow.

"Can I stay?" Naruto asked, sounding desperate.

Sasuke thought about it and nodded his head. Naruto jumped in joy. He quickly ran into the house as Sasuke closed the door.

"Okay dobe. Your room is on the left,  next to mine." He gestured to Naruto. He responded by nodding and went into the room.

Sasuke questioned the reason why he didn't just go home, but he didn't dwell on the thought for much longer. He just knew he felt, happy. For the first time in a while, he felt there was a reason to smile.

"Why so happy? He'll go just like the rest." A haunting voice whispered in his mind. Sasuke shook his head, as if shaking the voice away. "You know you can't get rid of me. Not that easily." It snickered.

Xx Night xX

Sasuke shifted uncomfortably from inside his bed. It was that dark voice, it stayed in his head like an overplayed tune. It haunted him.

"Your brother was right! You are pathetic!" The voice boomed, ringing in his ears. Sasuke wanted to shout back out it, to protest, to scream in agony. But he couldn't, it displayed weakness. He rolled on the floor, trying desperately to quiet that haunting voice, all the while trying not to wake Naruto from the next room.

"If you weren't born, your clan would still be alive and your brother wouldn't have hated them so much!" The voice kept screaming, and screaming. His ears kept like the were bleeding and his head was pounding.

He reached his limit, finally breaking like a rubber band. Screams and sobs escaped his throat, not caring who heard it. He sat up, cost banging against the mattress messing up the display of sheets and pillows.

Naruto, upon hearing this, bolted off the bed and in the room. His friend, no brother, was in trouble and clearly needed him. What he found, brought him into a slight panic. The usual stoic Sasuke was on the floor, curled in a ball, sobbing.

The blonde ran to him, quickly putting an arm around Sasuke and sang him a song. Naruto wasn't quite sure what to do in these situations, he was almost sure he was making it worse.

But Sasuke's grip only tightened on his sleeve, letting him know he wasn't failing completely. He instinctively patted a comforting hand on his head. "It's going to be alright." Naruto hushed. "I know you're scared... I can't really help if I don't know what's going on... But know I'll be here for you, okay?" Naruto whispered.

Sasuke was truly shocked at Naruto's behavior. He was used to him shouting, and being the idiot he was. But Naruto continued to calm him, smiling all the while.

"Hey Naruto?" Sasuke hesitated. Naruto hummed in response. "C-can you stay in here?" Sasuke spoke lowly. Asking for help hurt his pride, he had to admit. But he did not care, he just wanted the voice to go away, forever.

 "Don't worry, teme. I'll be right here, I always have your back."   

With that reassurance, Sasuke was able to calm down. Naruto would not betray him, he knew it. Sasuke stood up to get back in bed, and Naruto followed.  

"I wouldn't do anything to hurt you, ya' know." Naruto muttered sleepily, his eyes finally shutting close.

"I know." Sasuke hesitated. "Thank you."

"I guess winter isn't too bad after all." Sasuke whispered, before following Naruto's example and drifting off to sleep.         

(A/N: Hey guys, @SmartBadPrincess here with her oneshot. Hope you enjoyed.)

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