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"Today wasn't so bad was it? You should hang out with your dad more often.", said Evan "I don't know... sometimes he can be pretty mean.", said Connor. "Mean, your dad is so nice.", said Evan. Didn't you hear what he said to me earlier today? He asked you how much I paid you to hangout with me!", said Connor. "He was just... surprised, he didn't mean it like that... sometimes that's how dads are.", said Evan. "HE DIDN'T MEAN IT LIKE THAT??! Yes he did, he is always mean to me! And what do you mean sometimes dads are like that, YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE A DAD!", said Connor yelling at the top of his lungs. Evan turned away for a second. "Sorry Ev, you know that's not what I meant.", said Connor. "No, it's okay.", Evan spoke lying "Well I just wanted to say i'm proud of you for connecting with your dad. I know it's hard for you to express your feelings sometimes.", said Evan. "Ev, we should probably get to bed... it's getting late.", said Connor. Connor turned off the light and they got into bed together. Evan snuggled up against Connor. Connor held Evan and the feel asleep underneath the warm blanket.

The next morning Zoe awoke. "Hey can you wake up the boys for breakfast?", asked Cynthia. "Do I have to?", said Zoe. "You know the answer to that.", said her mom. Zoe sighed and went to Connor's bedroom and slowly opened the door. She saw them asleep peacefully cuddling. "Um mom told me to wake you guys up, so get uppp.", she yelled. Connor sat up, "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY ROOM ZOE!", Connor shouted. "Relax, babe.", Evan said while putting his hand on top of Connors. "So are you guys like a thing now... or?" , said Zoe. "YES, THAT'S REALLY NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS! NOW GET THE FUCK OUT!", said Connor. "Whatever, I didn't want to come wake you guys up in the first place.", said Zoe while leaving. 

"Babe, you don't have to go off on her like that.", said Evan. "She just needs to mind her own business sometimes!", said Connor. "Well... good morning.", Evan spoke. Connor pecked Evan on the lips and got out of bed. Connor took his shirt off to change for the day. Evan couldn't help but stare. But as his eyes started to look down he noticed cuts on his stomach. "Connor your cuts are still there, I told you, you have to stop doing that!". "They're old, I promise.", said Connor. "Oh, so you lie now too, I can tell when you lie, Connor!", said Evan. Connor put on his shirt and said, "You really don't need to worry about me!". "Did you take your medication last night?", asked Connor. "I did.... yeah.. totally did.", said Evan. "I don't remember you taking them last night!", said Connor. "Okay, you're right I didn't. I'll start taking my medication if you stop cutting!", said Evan. "Deal?", asked Evan. "Uhh lets have breakfast and i'll think about it.", said Connor avoiding the question. 

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