Connor & Evan

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Connor walked through the halls, his book bag slung over his shoulder. He was focusing down on his phone when he bumped into a shorter figure. He looked up with a sharp glare in his eyes, until he realized who he bumped into. "Oh hey Evan", said Connor smiling. "Hey", Evan said quietly. Evan was still nervous from an anxiety attack he'd just had in math class. He hadn't seen Connor in a few days. He'd been a little worried, but assumed Connor was just skipping school like normal. He was happy to see Connor too. Connor did a quick look over Evan, he noticed how he look off. "You okay?", Connor asked , a hint of sincerity in his voice. "Yeah i'm fine", Evan spoke. But he was lying , Evan hadn't been taking his medication lately. "Uhh what class do you have next?", said Evan awkwardly. "Pre bio, how about you?", Connor replied. "I have English do you uhh want to walk to class together? I think Pre Bio is right near my English class, if i'm not wrong.", said Evan. "Yeah sure and even if it isn't I literally, don't care if i'm late". Connor shrugged and began to walk next to his boyfriend. Evan knew his Pre Bio wasn't near his English class, but he didn't care. 

  They both started to walk up the stairs and they turned left. This wasn't the way to either of their classes. Instead Evan went to the bathroom, not questioning , Connor followed. Evan pulled him into the stall and started kissing Connor. Connor was surprised for a moment, it's not like Evan to usually do this, but Connor pushed him against the wall and kissed back. "Jesus what sparked this surge of confidence?", asked Connor. "I - I just haven't seen you in two whole days, you didn't even text or call and I need some comfort, I just had a really bad panic attack. Evan began ramble as he heard someone walk into the bathroom. "Shit", said Connor realizing they both would be caught in the same stall. "Looks like someone forgot to lock the door", said a voice in the corner. Connor turned his head to see who walked in. He sighed with relief when he saw who it had been. "Kleinman, i'd never thought i'd be this happy to see you.", laughed Connor. "Really, it's just Jared? He's probably just going to call us gay or something.", said Evan. "Hello Evan and school shooter", Jared said. "You read my mind, I was just about to call you guys out on your little homo make out session.", Jared laughed. 

"Come on lets just get to class, Connor. I'm sure you don't want to be late for that ...uhm... test", Evan said lying. Both Connor and him walk out. "Oh yeah the test", Connor says while walking out. "That was a close one", said Evan. 

Connor led them to the nearest empty bathroom and locked the door. "Wanna skip class?", Connor said. "Connor... I don't think i'd be comfortable with that. What if the teacher finds out?What if my mom finds out?, spoke Evan worriedly". "Evan, nobody's gonna find out, i'm an expert at skipping.", said Connor. Evan replied, "Okay" only because he was too in love with Connor to say no. 

Connor led Evan to a door by the auditorium that was slightly hidden and wasn't near any security cameras. "So what do we do now, I've never done this before.", whispers Evan. "We can go to my car and go wherever you want.", Connor whispers back. They sneak out the doors and to the parking lot where Connor parked his car.

Connor unlocked his car and Evan spoke, "Why don't we go to that ice cream place down the street, I think it's called Alamode or something like that, it just opened."

When they arrive they get out of the car and Evan speaks up saying, "Can we share a chocolate cone together? But please don't make me do the talking." "Okay fine", says Connor. Conner turned to the counter and ordered. They waited to get their ice cream which was almost immediately since nobody was there. They sit down at a bench... 

"Hey after this want to go to my house? You know my mom always at work.", Evan fakes a laugh. "Yeah sure Connor slightly leaned on Evan and put his arm around him. 

They finish their ice cream and head back to the car and get in. As Connor starts to drive away Evan out of nowhere spoke "Have I ever told you how much I love you?".

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