The Orchard

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The next morning Evan got ready and picked up Connor and both headed to the orchard. They walked through the orchard, admiring the view. "Hey let's go by that tree.", spoke Evan. They sit under the tree for shade. Connor puts his arm over Evan. Evan lean in and kisses Connor. Connor leans down to kiss Evan back. Evan picks a flower from the grass nearby and puts it in Connors hair. Connor smiles. Evan gets up and starts to climb the tree. "Come up here, Connor!", said Evan. "Ev, please be careful!", said Connor. Connor began to follow Evan up the tree. They climbed higher and higher until the sun shined on their faces. They could see the whole orchard from up there. But then Evan started to slip. "EVAN!", Connor says trying to grab on to Evan's wrist, but just as he did Evan fell to the ground. Connor began to climb down as quick as possible. Evan landed right on his left arm. He almost had passed out. As he tried to get up he said, "Connor?". Conor got to the last branch and jumped down. Connor was coming to get him. "Ev, are you alright?", spoke Connor. "No I think I broke my arm.", said Evan having the wind just knocked out of him. "Okay, were going to the hospital.", said Connor. Conor helped Evan up and carried him to the car.

When they got to the hospital Evan lied in his hospital bed saying, "I have to call my mom, she's gonna freak!". "Do you want me to call her?", asked Connor. "Yes, thanks.", said Evan. Connor grabbed Evan's phone and called Hedi, then he handed the phone to Evan's right arm of course. "Hey mom I'm at the hospital, don't be mad, I'm fine, I fell off a tree, please just meet me here.", said Evan. "Alright honey, I'll be there in a couple minutes." , spoke Hedi worriedly. 

They waited for Hedi to show up. As soon as she got there she ran in the room saying, "Oh my god! What happened to you?!". "We were hanging out at the orchard and we climbed a tree and Evan fell.", said Connor to Hedi. "I'm just glad you're okay, Ev!", Hedi hugs Evan. The doctor comes in with Evan's X-ray results explaining his arm has been broken and he will need a cast. 

"So I guess you drove him here, Connor?", Hedi said trying to make conversation. "Uh , yeah I did.", said Connor. Evan's cast is put on and their about ready to get home. "Uh do you think I could get a ride? Evan picked me up and drove his car.", said Connor. "Actually Connor I was thinking I could sleep over at your house tonight, mom you're probably busy anyways, right? We have lots of homework to ... uh .. catch up on, right Connor?", lied Evan. "Oh yeah that'd be cool", Connor said. "Okay that's fine, bye boys. Be carful with your arm Evan", said Hedi. "I will", spoke Evan. "Bye Mrs. Hansen.", said Connor. 

Hedi leaves. Connor helps up Evan out of bed and says, "maybe when we get home I could sign your cast. Also lets not go to my house." "Why, i'd really like to meet your parents, you know my mom.", Evan didn't understand. "Well my mom is real nice, but my dad is an absolute dick!", said Connor. "He can't be that bad." , said Evan. "Fine we will go, but you'll see.", said Connor. 

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