Chapter 10: Lady Mistress?

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Miranda Nelson on top known as Ashly or Kim


It's been a month now since I never heard from Adrian...

I am driving to his house to see if he's ok?... I also have feelings for him, he's nice and charming, he's also funny. I would do anything just to see him again.

I parked my vehicle beside the sidewalk near his house. And I walked to the door ringing the door bell.

Than I seen a woman not a ugly one but a very very gorgeous one with her long blonde hair and her blue eyes.

"Umm who are you?"she asked

I smiled "is Adrian around?"

"No, may I ask who you are?" She question

"My name is Miranda and I met Adrian at a party about a month ago"

"Yeah I host that party wait didn't I met you for a short moment?" I nod

"My name is Xena, and Adrian isn't here he's in Hawaii and I am here to watch his house" I got abit upset, why he didn't ask me to go with him?

"Do you know where? In Hawaii?" She shook her head

"Well if Adrian comes around and you tell him i said hi" she nod "thank you" I walked my to car and immediately drove off to the airport.

I went to see the stewardess and asked for the name of Adrian "miss you have to tell me his last name"

I forgot wait it's some thing with a D "look under D I think it's Daniels?"

I got alittle annoyed when she was tapping loudly on the keyboards "found him yeah he got in Hawaii yesterday" I looked at her with excitement

"When is the best flight to Hawaii?" I asked

"In three hours"

"Can I get a ticket for there and back?" She nod, thank you I said.


I also asked the other stewardess in Hawaii where he went, she gave me his address and here I am gonna surprise him.

When the driver stopped in front of the huge beach house my mouth dropped, this can't be Adrian's house.

I walked to the door and knocked on the door.


When I was about to walk to my office I heard a knock, which made me suspicious of, nobody doesn't know where I live expect me, my coworkers and my guards.

I opened the door and I seen a beautiful girl with red hair and grey eyes, and standing around 5'6 in skinny jeans with a black blouse with tiny flowers on it, with a black leather jacket and black boots, also a small suitcase in her hands.

"Hello my name is Miranda and I am looking for Adrian" how the hell did she know that Adrian was here.

"Why are you here for him..." I asked

"I miss him and I want to see him" the hint of jealousy hit me

"How did you know that he's here?"

"Look that doesn't matter, is he here or not"

"Skyler who is it" I heard Adrian behind me, I wish he didn't said anything

Than he came to me and looked at this girl "Miranda" she screamed and kissed Adrian on the LIPS.

"Amy what the hell are you doing here!" He questioned

"Amy? That isn't my name!" She yelled I chuckled thats what you get for kissing my Adrian. bitch.

"Whatever kiss me" she replied and yanked his neck and slammed her lips on his.

"Ok ok enough!" I pulled her back

"The fucks your problem?" She's really fucking pissing me off here.

"Who the fuck gave you the right to talk to me like that in my house?" I spoke highly recommended and with anger.

She stayed quiet "now fucking answer me, how the fuck you knew that he was here?"

"By a girl named Xena" I looked at Adrian, he went home...

"Can I speak to you ALONE" I said to him and Miranda gave me an annoyed look

I dragged Adrian to my office "she has to"

"Yes she does" he said

"How do you know her?" I asked

"She's one of my one nightstands..." I looked at him in hurt

"Look Adrian I didn't know that she'll find me and for my friend Xena I swear I told her not to tell anyone" he said

"Well She did, and that annoying Bitch is here taking you away from me"

"Are you jealous?" He asked

"What does it look like, I am happy? No Adrian I am not"

He sighed "Look do whatever to her I only care for my friend back home and you...and I like you too"

I looked at him with a big smile on my face, "You like me?" I asked "no I don't like you I love you" oh god... I love you too...I walked up to him and kissed him, hugging him in my arms.

He sighed in relief "I am totally having a drink tonight" I chuckled "well after I get rid of her and we'll have a good time" he looked up at me "that'll be about a walk in the beach tonight?" I nod and he smiled.

I walked to her "You have to leave Now" I pointed to the door.

"No I am not leaving" she said

I looked at the guard that were beside me "do whatever to her to get out of my house and Hawaii and make her forget..." one guard nod and they both grabbed her arms and she screamed saying 'let me go'.

I know what my guards are gonna do drug her with the strongest drug that'll make her forget thing and they maybe hit her I don't know and they'll fly her back home.

The only thing on my mind was Adrian...


I felt that I needed to put her in this chapter....

I💙U Guys!

Xoxo 😘

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