It must have been convincing because when she pulled back she was smiling.

I could've sworn I saw a flash as we were kissing, but it was probably just my imagination.

This is all for Letty, I had to keep reminding myself. Even though I know it isn't real, I feel as though I'm betraying Letty. It will all be worth it in the end if we can prove Letty's sanity and discover if her uncle is guilty or not.

"See? You could do so much better than her. If I were with you, you'd always feel appreciated and never have to question my loyalty to you. Unlike her."

"Maybe you're right," I played along.

"Great," she began playing with my hair. "So, what has Letty been up to lately? Do you know?"

Oh, snap. She's trying to get information out of me too. I guess two will be playing this game. This is going to be even trickier than I first thought.

Luckily, I was saved by the front door opening. Out stepped... Kirkland?!

What's he doing here?

"Lila." He nodded to her. "Marten," he said my name more menacingly. I already know he doesn't like me. The question is; why?

It may be nothing that he's here, but it's worth mentioning when I go back to visit Letty.

"It was good to see you again, Lila. Have a nice day," then he walked off without another word.

I made sure he was gone before I asked, "What was he doing here? Is he working on your sister's case?"

"Oh yeah. He's working on my sister's case." Her tone wasn't very convincing. Almost as if she would have had to think of a lie to cover up why he was here if I hadn't already provided her with an explanation.

"Do they have any leads?"

"They're not sure. He only told us that they received an anonymous call that lead them to the body."

"And they haven't had any leads since?"


How do I change the topic without sounding suspicious?

Luck must have been on my side because it began raining. This is the perfect opportunity to get inside. Away from the disgusting smell of wet grass. It's the only part I hate about when it rains. Sometimes it smells of wet asphalt from the roads and the smell has always nauseated me.

"I should probably get going," I suggested, hoping she'd stop me.

"Wait!" She hollered as I was halfway to my car.

Thank goodness. "Yeah?"

"Why don't you come inside?"

"Are you sure your parents would be okay with that?"

"Oh, they won't care. Besides, Ryan's not my real dad and my mom can talk him into anything anyways."

Including murdering his wife?

"Um, okay."

"Hurry up before you get sick," she rushed me into the house.

Being polite, I took off my shoes at the door, especially since they're wet. Since my hoodie was also wet, I took it off as well, my t-shirt under it rising momentarily. I just hate the feeling of wet clothes.

Through the corner of my eyes, I saw Lila stare at me.

"Here. Let me take that. Why don't you go into the living room and I'll be there in a second."

The Lengths Of Love (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now