A good ten minutes passed, and I managed to hang up the posters. And no, I totally didn't put them up in the same area like the lazy person I am.

Like, who does that?

Obviously, I do.

"Ugh," Manon groans and leans against me, as we walk out of school. "That was so tiring."

I turn to face her, "You didn't even help woman!"

I face back forward only to crash into a back. "Back up fool!" I yell at the dude and jump back. Manon snickers. "I know how to fight!"

"My bad," the dude turns around and gently smiles at me. "Oh, you're Frost aren't you? I'm Moe."

"Yep!" Manon answers and slings an arm over my shoulder, "And she's already off the market."

"By the one and only," Harry's voice is heard, and I snap my head towards him to find him sitting on a picnic bench.

"How..." I trail off, not even wanting to know. He shrugs his shoulders and takes a sip from his water bottle.

I turn back to Moe, "Sorry buddy, I'm out of stock."


He holds his hands up and chuckles, "Oh no, no. I'm gay. I actually have a boyfriend."

I widen my eyes and Manon gasps quietly. "We're so sorry... we didn't know..."

"It's alright..." he says and looks at his phone. "You're with... Nova right?"

I nod and notice Harry standing next to me. I jump, "Harry! Are you really a wizard because you just keep popping up!"

"Eh." he shrugs, "I tend to be quiet while moving around. Besides, I like hanging out with you."

"So you're like a ninja," I laugh evilly and Moe chuckles. "Do you have nunchucks? Oo, what about ninja stars."

"You are so cute," Moe says with a laugh and we hear someone clear their throat.

We all turn to see Nova standing with Cole, with his arms crossed, showing his muscles.

"Hiya Nova, Cole!" I beam at them, "Where were you guys?"

"Getting coffee. Who is that?" Nova tilts his head towards Moe.

"I'm Moe, nice to meet you," Moe says.

"Uhuh," Nova barely moves his head, "Why are you here with Frost?"

"Oh, I was just leaving from Mrs. Isa's office. Frost bumped into me, and I'm glad she did. I've been wanting to meet her," Moe responds while gently nudging my shoulder. I laugh and kick the back of his knee.

Nova inhales sharply, keeping his eyes on me. Cole stares at Moe as if trying to tell him something.

"Did I do something?" I ask Nova.

Moe's expression changes, "I'll uh, I'll go. It was nice to finally meet you, Frost,"

I smile and watch him walk away.

Aaand I'll probably never see him again.

"Frost, get in my car." Nova coldly says. My smile drops and I frown.

"But I rode with Manon-"

"Get. In. My. Car. Now," he snarls and clenches his jaw. "Cole and Manon can take your car home,"

I look at Cole and he smiles lightly, "Fine. Don't damage my baby,"

Cole chuckles and Manon walks up to him. Nova turns on his heel, stomping towards his car. As I walk past Manon and Cole, she grabs my arm. "If he does anything, you tell me and I'll beat his ass,"

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