Chapter 17 - First Date - Part 1

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"And you shouldn't be ashamed. The reason I was shaking the bed was that I had a dream that we were having sex. Whenever you are ready, I will be there."

"So, what are the plans for today?" Kamea asks.

"We can take the twins back to the park for a little bit, then head home."

"Do you mind if we rest today? It's been a busy weekend, with us becoming official on Friday. Then, yesterday at Disneyland. And plus, they have school on Monday."

"Of course."

"Since Mondays are my off days now, do you mind if I take the twins to school and pick them up?" Kamea asked.

"They would love that. I was thinking for our first official date as a couple; we spend next weekend together."

"Oh, and where are we spending our first official date at?"

"It's a surprise."

"I love surprises. I can't wait."

"I have to come up with a nickname for you, too, " Kamea said while smirking.

"After all, remember, I am 'freaking gorgeous.'"

"Of course, you remember that. And, it is true." And we both laughed. "Cris, thank you for making me believe in love again. And you're right. It has been a brief time. But, in that time, you have shown me true love. I will cherish that forever. I fell for you hard. You are special to me, as well as Dia and Rocco. I mean it when I say I love you."

"It makes me happy to know you are happy. And I love you too. I'm going to turn the tv off and try and get some more rest too."

I turned the television off. Kamea grabbed my hands, and we both went back to the bedroom for some rest.


*Later that day*

Cris's POV

While we were on our way home, I asked the twins, "Dia and Rocco, did you have fun yesterday?"

"Yes, daddy. And I met Princess Tiana too."

"Can we come back again?"

"Yes, we can. And guess who is taking you to school tomorrow?"

"Who, daddy? Who?" Día and Rocco said together.

My beautiful girlfriend turns around and says Me!"

"Yay!!" They both scream excitedly. "Ms. Kam, can you make my hair pretty like yours? When daddy does it, it looks messy."

"Hey!" And then they start giggling.

"Of course, sweetheart. I would love to do your hair."

Then Rocco says something that has us both looking at each other.

"Are you going to be our mommy now, Ms. Kam?"

"Would you like me to be your mommy?"

In typical kid fashion, they say with the biggest smiles on their faces, "Yes!"

"I would love to be your mommy."

Kamea's POV

I love those kids like they were my own. So when Rocco asked that, it brought so much emotion inside of me - happiness, gladness, joy, etc. I turned back around and cried.

We have known each other for a brief time, but for them to have those feelings toward me touched me so much. We had stopped at a red light, so Cris took this opportunity to grab my hand and kiss it. "Are you okay?" He noticed I had tears falling down my face.

Irreplaceable (BWWM - Book #1 / Complete)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz