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I could hear someone yelling at me to get up. I didn't care the time it was right now or what I was supposed to be doing all I could think about is my dream. A person taller than me at the very least staring down at me and laughing he somehow looked older than me.

"Y/n get up!!" the person screeched as he threw water all over my bed. The water ended up going through my PJs and I could feel the clothes sticking to me already.

"Okay, you guys have three seconds to run whoever it was." I turn around and see Taehyung and Jungkook laughing as they turn around and start running out of my room.

"This is why nobody can handle you guys and you are single!!" I scream running out of my room and straight to the kitchen seeing my parents making breakfast.

"Eomma, look what those two did to me!" I whined as I started looking at the plates and grabbed one bacon piece from each.

"Get ready for school or else you will be late to school. It's your first year in college might as well be on time." Dad looked at me and smiled making sure I was okay and hurried me out before basically pushing me back to my room.

"Fineeeee" I complained as I started looking through my closet and found some black jeans and a yellow chimpion sweater. I brushed my hair to make it look as neat as possible which is highly hard for me I finally decided to look at my phone and saw 10 missed calls.

"Shittt they must be waiting outside already." I came out of my room and grabbed my plate. "I'll be home late today after school," I yelled saying bye to my brothers and to my parents as I opened the door to see a white pickup truck and about five people inside.

"New car" I hopped behind and hugged Jin, J-hope, Suga, and RM. They have been my best friends since little and now we are going to the same college.

"You know Jin he wants the best for the younger ones." J-hope laughed as he started driving to school. Worst driver I think we passed four red lights and even parked wrong. No one can correct him though he would get upset if we do.

"Guys I had a dream" I decided to come out and say it but before I did Suga stepped in.

"I heard there is a new teacher." He air quoted the part new, "A lot of the girls are already talking about him and not only them also the guys." Suga rolls his eyes as he helps us get out of the truck.

"As long as my grade doesn't go down I don't care who my teacher is." I laugh and take Suga's hand to get off.

We walk around the school before class began and we noticed how a majority of kids were looking inside the room I'm supposed to be in.

"Hey, what's going on why is everyone here?" I asked one of the fellow girls who was staring into my room. She answered my question but barely made any eye contact with me. It's as if her eyes were glued to the window.

"That's the new teacher." The girl points to the window as the guys and I try to get a glance at our new teacher.

He was wearing a black suit and he was currently looking at his phone. He looked so young there is no way he is a teacher. Especially not mine. Now I understand why all the girls and guys are falling for him he has 10/10 looks. The bell rang and everyone went to their classes the guys looked at me and laughed.

"Unlike the other's in your class you make sure you pay attention." They each waved at me as they went to the room across. It's not fair how I always have to be by myself. Before, I used to have a class with Suga and RM. Hopefully, I still see them in other classes if not I will probably die.

I chose the seat all the way at the front. All the people will just keep talking about our teacher in the back not that being in the front helps. The girls here also talk about him.

"Y/n what do you think about him." a small brown-haired girl asked me. You can see that she was head over heels for this teacher.

"Nothing in particular I mean he hasn't even introduced himself." I shrugged and look back to the front seeing how the teacher with no name is just standing to wait for everyone to silence down. It took about 10 minutes for the others to realize it as well.

"Good morning class, my name is Mr. Park. It's a pleasure to meet you all and I hope we get to know each other more." At that moment he looked at me and smile I could feel the piercing of my whole class but I just slightly smiled as I just kept looking around making sure that the others weren't mad.

"My name is y/n" I stood as it was finally my turn to introduce myself. The moment I stood up I could feel his gaze turn to me. Something came over me and I didn't even recall what I said afterward, "and I'm single." I could feel my whole face turn red and immediately sat down shoving my face into despair.

I could feel some giggles coming from beside and behind me. However, I also heard them in front of me and the only person in front of me was him. I looked up and saw Mr.Park looking at me and laughing. My dream became my reality I almost felt like facepalming myself.

"Good to know I hope we can get along well." I could feel a slight smirk come from him and somehow I felt uneasy.

After class was over I went to meet up with the guys.

"So he seduced you." I could feel some chuckles come from them when I was telling my story. RM just shook his head but couldn't help but laugh before almost breaking his sandwich.

"This is serious it's just been a few hours and I already feel like he hates me," I complain as I lied down on the grass.

"I don't hate you" I could hear someone approach and it makes me immediately sit back up and I could notice that all the guys were in utter shock as they just looked down at their food.

"Mr.Park, hi what are you doing here." I scooted back a little to let the guys know that I might just need a little defense.

"Well, I just came to say hi. Oh and y/n I need to talk to you after school it's about your grades." He bows a little and then walks away with his phone on one hand and his meal on the other.

"Your grades? You have good grades we know that already." Jin blurts out as he continues to eat the bento he had.

"Maybe I'm finally getting some recognition." I smiled as I stole a small egg roll from his bento.

"Oooo you just stole from eat Jin" J-hope laughed as we talked about class.

What did he want to talk about? Is it really about some recognition? Why did it have to be after school not after class? And who is this mysterious teacher that has everyone swoon?

Mr. Teacher [Jimin] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now