"Taetae hyung? Are you listening?" He asks. Oh shoot I dazed off by looking at him! What the heck, pull it together Kim Taehyung!

"Oh sorry, guess I'm just a little tired" I reply smoothly.

"Hey I can tell something is bothering you" he started, yeah kookie it's you and my best friend flirting all the damn time. "And I think I know what it is..." Uhh what! Has he finally figured out that I liked him, oh god! Nooo shit he pro-

"I know your upset about what Joonie hyung said but I thought you were great today. With some more practice you will get back to the hacker you were, I know for sure because I believe in you. And honestly the car had gone so fast you couldn't keep track. It's okay Tae Tae hyung don't worry." He spoke softly while lightly grabbing my hand and blushing the tiniest bit while he did so.

I face palmed. Of course, Jeon Jungkook is too freakin dense how would he figure out I'm crushing on him. But still the words he said were sweet so I gave him a genuine smile. He faced the front again and after a couple minutes I felt his head collide with my shoulder. Awh he's sleepy, but something I noticed is that he hadn't taken his hand off mine. And I couldn't help but let the millions of butterfly's explode in my stomach with every passing minute.

Sleep well kook, I'll protect you.


[Jhopes perspective]

Fuck I hate how all my friends are gay, and have dumbass drama. Like god just samsh already you wastes.

I need to find some girl for me but no one likes me. ugh k good bye hoes.

------ > A/N : just kidding^^

I was stretching in the gym as I was the first one there. Hahaha I even beat our leader who loves being on time.

Our gym was in an abandoned area that we renovated and added equipment to. It was amazing how no one had found it for the year we had been gone but I'm glad that all our stuff was still there. There was a lot of training equipment to build muscle and obstacles to get through. There was also a huge track on the other side of the building where I practice my driving and a huge room where Tae works on his tech stuff. In our gang we all had special jobs that we were specifically the best at, and when I mean best I mean even better than any other gang.

I was the racer and the split second dash off person. Whenever our enemy's ran away I would always be able to catch them I was just too fast. I also knew everything about machinery so if there was something wrong with our car or better yet there was an explosive near by I was the guy to dismantle it in seconds.

Namjoon, who was our leader was the brains of our group. He was the communicator and had people everywhere on his side telling him what's going on in the world, namely our partnered gang. He was also the plan guy, he was extremely intelligent and under hard circumstances he easily thought of quick efficient plans that always worked without much effort and struggle. Our group was also formed by him.

Yoongi hyung was the top navigator. He remembered everything and was also the best at breaking and entering. He was also good at escaping when given a plan on how to do so by Namjoon, he could easily lead our group out after joonie tells him the plan. They worked pretty good in stuff like that together.

WE ARE FOREVER | VKOOKOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora